MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride (1950) Discussion > I missed the ending - SPOILERS

I missed the ending - SPOILERS

My tape cut out just after Kay called her father to thank him for everything. Did anything happen after that or was that they end?


You only missed about a minute. Spencer Tracy says to Joan Bennett that nothing has really changed. Then he says "My son's my son until he gets him a wife, but my daughter is my daughter all of her life. All of our life."
Then they dance as the music comes up and the camera pans out to show the aftermath of the reception. It ends with the music still playing and the credits come up.
Or course the story doesn't really end there. You should check out "Father's Little Dividend" to see the next part of the story.


Thanks alot!


Do you know the name of the music Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett were dancing to at the end of the movie? It sounded so familiar, but I can not recall the name. Thanks.


I believe it's called "Goodnight Sweetheart".


Thank you for your reply. The tune has been going round and round in my head, so I'm glad to know what it is.


There's a lovely moment right before Kay calls. Stanley and Ellie find the song on the record player (did Kay leave it there for them?) and smile at each other. It's obviously "their song".
