MovieChat Forums > Sunset Blvd. (1950) Discussion > The Masters of Cinematography (TOP 200)

The Masters of Cinematography (TOP 200)

We often do not remember the film 's director of cinematography for a film , but a very important branch of art. I'm over 100 years from the 1910s to the present period, around 200 of them and chose the best cinematography skills, visions , I sort according to originality . This sort of course very subjective had to do cinematographer of the queues for you high and low future , but by far not matter because it is important that the art of cinema largest labor became , this art has developed the best picture directors together , to see . You this list back to front as you read also in cinema history is long and magical journey will exit .. GW Bitzer from Emmanuel Lubezki extending this long journey , sit back you love is taken near and fasten your seat belts .. in the meantime 200 cinematographer collect and It took me exactly one week to sort names .
*The name of each director of photography on the side of 3 images work best for me are.

Note : This list is dedicated to Roger Ebert would .

200-) STEPHEN GOLDBLATT (Closer,Lethal Weapon,The Hunger)
199-) JANOS KENDE (Red Psalm,Silence and Cry,Sirokkó)
Tamás Somló (The Red and the White,The Round-Up,My Way Home)
198-) JAN DE BONT (The Fourth Man,Die Hard,The Hunt for Red October)
197-) JEAN-YVES ESCOFFIER (Good Will Hunting,The Lovers on the Bridge,Bad Blood)
196-) JOST VACANO (Das Boot,Total Recall,RoboCop)
195-) NEWTON THOMAS SIGEL (The Usual Suspects,Drive,X-Men 2)
194-) ARTHUR J ORNITZ (Serpico,Death Wish,Me, Natalie)
193-) ERIC ALAN EDWARDS (My Own Private Idaho,Cop Land,To Die For)
192-) MARYSE ALBERTI (The Wrestler,Happiness,Tape)
191-) BENOIT DELHOMME (The Scent of Green Papaya,Cyclo,Family Resemblances)
190-) MAURO FIORE (Avatar,Training Day,The Island)
189-) GYORGY ILLES (Requiem,Hungarians,The Boys of Paul Street)
188-) BILL POPE (The Matrix,The Matrix Reloaded,Spider-Man 2)
187-) DAVID TATTERSALL (The Green Mile,Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith,The Majestic)
186-) DION BEEBE (Collateral,Equilibrium,Chicago)
185-) BRUNO DELBONNEL (Amélie,Faust,Across the Universe)
184-) JEFFREY L. KIMBALL (True Romance,Jacob's Ladder,Top Gun)
183-) FELIX MONTI (The Official Story,The South,The Secret in Their Eyes)
182-) LUCIANO TOVOLI (The Passenger,Suspiria,Reversal of Fortune)
181-) JURGEN JURGES (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul,Funny Games(1997),Code Unknown)
180-) IGOR LUTHER (The Tin Drum,Danton,Circle of Deceit)
179-) JOHN MATHIESON (Gladiator,X-Men: First Class,August Rush)
178-) THOMAS DEL RUTH (Stand by Me,The Breakfast Club,Fandango)
177-) PETER PAU (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,The Killer,The Phantom Lover)
176-) NICOLA PECORINI (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,Dr. Parnassus,Tideland)
175-) RODOLFO SANCHEZ (Kiss of the Spider Woman,Pixote)
174-) ROBERT YEOMAN (The Royal Tenenbaums,The Grand Budapest Hotel,Drugstore Cowboy)
173-) ALFONSO BEATO (All About My Mother,Ghost World,The Queen)
172-) ANTHONY DOD MANTLE (Slumdog Millionaire,Festen,Rush)
171-) RENATO BERTA (Au revoir les enfants,Messidor,Rendez-vous)
170-) BARRY ACKROYD (The Hurt Locker,United 93,My Name Is Joe)
169-) STEFAN CZAPSKY (Batman Returns,Edward Scissorhands,Ed Wood)
168-) VILKO FILAC (Time of the Gypsies,Underground,Arizona Dream)
167-) LANCE ACORD (Lost in Translation,Being John Malkovich,Adaptation)
166-) MARK IRWIN (The Fly,Videodrome,Scream)
165-) THIERRY ARBOGAST (Léon,Femme Fatale,Angel-A)
164-) ANDRZEJ BARTKOWIAK (The Verdict,Terms of Endearment,Falling Down)
163-) DICK POPE (Naked,Vera Drake,Topsy-Turvy)
162-) DEAN CUNDEY (Back to the Future,Halloween,The Thing)
161-) JAVIER AGUIRRESAROBE (Talk to Her, The Sea Inside,The Others)
160-) ANDREW LASZLO (First Blood,Southern Comfort,The Warriors)
159-) ADAM GREENBERG (Terminator 2: Judgment Day,The Terminator,Near Dark)
158-) CHRISTIAN BERGER (The White Ribbon,Hidden,The Piano Teacher)
157-) JORDAN CRONENWETH (Blade Runner,State of Grace,Altered States)
156-) ANDREW LESNIE (LOTR The Return of the King,LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring,The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
155-) DARIUSZ WOLSKI (Dark City,Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,Prometheus)
154-) JOHN BAILEY (Ordinary People,Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters,Nobody's Fool)
153-) PAWEL EDELMAN (The Pianist,Ray, The Ghost Writer)
152-) ZHAO FEI (Raise the Red Lantern,Sweet and Lowdown,The Emperor and the Assassin)
151-) ALAN HUME (Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi,A Fish Called Wanda,Runaway Train)

150-) DEAN SEMLER (Dances with Wolves,Mad Max 2,Apocalypto)
149-) PIOTR SOBOCINSKI (Three Colors: Red,Ransom,Marvin's Room)
148-) GERRY FISHER (The Go-Between,The Offence,Mr. Klein)
147-) EDWARD KLOSINSKI (Man of Marble,Europa,Three Colors: White)
146-) CHANGWEI GU (Farewell My Concubine,Red Sorghum,Ju Dou)
145-) STEPHEN H. BURUM (Rumble Fish,The Untouchables,Carlito's Way)
144-) THOMAS MAUCH (Aguirre, the Wrath of God,Fitzcarraldo,Stroszek)
143-) ANDRZEJ SEKULA (Pulp Fiction,Reservoir Dogs,American Psycho)
142-) JOHN SEALE (The English Patient,Gorillas in the Mist,Rain Man)
141-) ADRIAN BIDDLE (Aliens,Thelma & Louise,V for Vendetta)
140-) TAK FUJIMOTO (Badlands,The Silence of the Lambs,The Sixth Sense)
139-) GIUSEPPE LANCI (Nostalghia,Kaos,The Son's Room)
138-) MIROSLAV ONDRICEK (Amadeus,Ragtime, The World According to Garp)
137-) PHILIPPE ROUSSELOT (Interview with the Vampire,The Bear,The Emerald Forest)
136-) TOM STERN (Million Dollar Baby,Letters from Iwo Jima,Gran Torino)
135-) DON BURGESS (Forrest Gump,Contact,Cast Away)
134-) BILL BUTLER (Jaws,The Conversation,Grease)
133-) PETER BIZIOU (Pink Floyd The Wall,The Truman Show,Mississippi Burning)
132-) PETER DEMING (Mulholland Dr.,Lost Highway,From Hell)
131-) YUHARU ATSUTA (Tokyo Story,Late Spring,An Autumn Afternoon)
130-) MICHAEL SERESIN (Birdy,Angel Heart,Angela's Ashes)
129-) LUIS CUADRADO (The Spirit of the Beehive,The Hunt,The Garden of Delights)
128-) FRANCO DI GIACOMO (The Night of the Shooting Stars,Il Postino: The Postman,Dark Eyes
127-) JACK HILDYARD (The Message,The Bridge on the River Kwai,The Sundowners)
126-) WALTER LASSALLY (Alexis Zorbas, Tom Jones,The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner)
125-) SLAWOMIR IDZIAK (Three Colors: Blue,Black Hawk Down,The Double Life of Veronique)
124-) JERZY LIPMAN (Knife in the Water,Kanal,Colonel Wolodyjowski)
123-) RODRIGO PRIETO (Amores perros,The Wolf of Wall Street,Brokeback Mountain)
122-) CHRISTOPHER CHALLIS (A Shot in the Dark,Two for the Road,Arabesque)
121-) CALEB DESCHANEL (The Right Stuff,The Black Stallion,Being There)
120-) MATTHEW LIBATUQUE (Requiem for a Dream,Pi,Black Swan)
119-) HARRIS SAVIDES (Zodiac,The Game,Elephant)
118-) ELWOOD BREDELL (The Killers,Phantom Lady,Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror)
117-) ALLEN DAVIAU (Empire of the Sun,Fearless,E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial)
116-) DARIUS KHONDJI (Se7en,The City of Lost Children,Delicatessen)
115-) LIONEL LINDON (The Manchurian Candidate,Going My Way,I Want to Live)
114-) EMMANUEL LUBEZKI (Gravity,Children of Men,Sleepy Hollow)
113-) ROGER PRATT (Brazil,Twelve Monkeys,The Fisher King)
112-) MICHAEL CHAPMAN (Taxi Driver,Raging Bull,The Fugitive)
111-) ROBBY MULLER (Paris, Texas,Dancer in the Dark,Breaking the Waves)
110-) WALLY PFISTER (The Dark Knight,Inception,The Prestige)
109-) ROBERT ELSWIT (There Will Be Blood,Magnolia,Punch-Drunk Love)
108-) RUSSELL BOYD (Gallipoli,The Year of Living Dangerously,Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)
107-) BILLY WILLIAMS ( Gandhi,On Golden Pond,Sunday Bloody Sunday)
106-) ALDO TONTI (Nights of Cabiria,Ossessione,Europe '51)
105-) DANTE SPINOTTI (Heat,The Insider,L.A. Confidential)
104-) CHRIS MENGES (The Killing Fields,The Mission,Kes)
103-) YORGOS ARVANITIS (The Travelling Players,Ulysses' Gaze,Landscape in the Mist)
102-) FLOYD CROSBY (High Noon,The Old Man and the Sea,House of Usher)
101-) PETER SUSCHITZKY (Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back,A History of Violence,Dead Ringers)

100-) OSWALD MORRIS (Fiddler on the Roof,Sleuth(1972),Equus)
99-) MICHAEL BALLHAUS (Goodfellas,The Last Temptation of Christ,The Departed)
98-) CHRISTOPHER DOYLE (In the Mood for Love,Hero,Chungking Express)
97-) FREDERICK ELMES (Blue Velvet,The Ice Storm, Eraserhead)
96-) DAVID WATKIN (Out of Africa,Chariots of Fire,The Devils)
95-) FRED KOENEKAMP (Papillon,Patton,Islands in the Stream)
94-) PHİLİP LATHROP (They Shoot Horses, Don't They?,Point Blank,The Cincinnati Kid)
93-) HAL MOHR (The Jazz Singer,Captain Blood,The Wild One)
92-) GUILLERMO NAVARRO (Pan's Labyrinth,Cabeza de Vaca,Cronos)
91-) DOUGLAS SLOCOMBE (Raiders of the Lost Ark,Julia,The Servant)
90-) JOHN ALTON (The Big Combo,Raw Deal,T-Men)
89-) CARLO DI PALMA (Red Desert,Blowup,Radio Days)
88-) DANIEL L. FAPP (The Great Escape,West Side Story,One, Two, Three)
87-) GEORGE J.FOLSEY (Meet Me in St. Louis,The Band Wagon,Forbidden Planet)
86-) FREDDIE FRANCIS (The Elephant Man,The Innocents,Glory)
85-) JANUSZ KAMINSKI (Schindler's List,Private Ryan,Lincoln)
84-) JOSEPH H.AUGUST (Gunga Din,The Informer,They Were Expendable)
83-) JOHN TOLL (Braveheart,The Thin Red Line,Legends of the Fall)
82-) JOSEPH BIROC (It's a Wonderful Life,The Flight of the Phoenix(1965),Blazing Saddles)
Sergey Urusevskiy (The Cranes are Flying,I Am Cuba,Letter Never Sent)
81-) WILLIAM F. FRAKER (Rosemary's Baby,Bullitt,Heaven Can Wait)
80-) BERT GLENNON (Stagecoach,Rio Grande,The Scarlet Empress)
79-) LASZLO KOVACS (Paper Moon,Easy Rider,Five Easy Pieces)
78-) EDUARD TISSE (Battleship Potemkin,Strike,Alexander Nevsky)
77-) JOHN A.ALONZO (Chinatown,Scarface(1983),Harold and Maude)
76-) OTTO HELLER (Peeping Tom,The Ladykillers(1955),The Crimson Pirate)
75-) SUBRATA MITRA (Pather Panchali,Aparajito,The World of Apu)
74-) HASKELL WEXLER (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf,In the Heat of the Night,)
73-) JEAN RABIER (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg,Cleo from 5 to 7,The Butcher)
72-) OWEN ROIZMAN (The Exorcist,The French Connection,Network)
71-) EUGEN SCHUFFTAN (Eyes Without a Face,Port of Shadows,The Hustler)
70-) LEON SHAMROY (Planet of the Apes,Twelve O'Clock High,The King and I(1956)
69-) WILLIAM H.DANIELS (Harvey,Queen Christina,Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
68-) PASQUALINO DE SANTIS (Death in Venice,Romeo and Juliet,Three Brothers)
67-) SİDNEY HİCKOX (The Big Sleep,To Have and Have Not,White Heat)
66-) SAM LEAVITT (Anatomy of a Murder,The Defiant Ones,Cape Fear(1962)
65-) G.R.ALDO (La terra trema,Umberto D.,Senso)
64-) JOHN ALCOTT (Barry Lyndon,The Shining,A Clockwork Orange)
63-) NICHOLAS MUSURACA (Out of the Past,The Spiral Staircase, Cat People)
62-) ALDO SCAVARDA (L'Avventura,Before the Revolution,From a Roman Balcony)
61-) VADIM YUSOV (Andrei Rublev,Ivan's Childhood,Solaris(1972) )
Sergey Urusevskiy (The Cranes are Flying,I Am Cuba,Letter Never Sent)
60-) JOSEPH LASHELLE (The Apartment,Laura,Marty)
59-) VILMOS ZSIGMOND (The Deer Hunter,Close Encounters of the Third Kind,Deliverance)
58-) WILLIAM H.CLOTHIER (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,The Alamo,The Horse Soldiers)
57-) CHARLES B.LANG (Some Like It Hot, Sabrina,Gunfight at the O.K. Corral)
56-) WILLIAM C.MELLOR (A Place in the Sun,Giant,The Naked Spur)
55-) FRANZ PLANER (Roman Holiday,Breakfast at Tiffany's,The Nun's Story)
54-) TED TETZLAFF (Notorious,My Man Godfrey,True Confession)
53-) JOSEPH MACDONALD (My Darling Clementine,Bigger Than Life,The Sand Pebbles)
52-) LEE GARMES (Scarface (1932),Shanghai Express,The Desperate Hours)
51-) ROBERT RICHARDSON (Platoon,JFK,Casino)

50-) LOYAL GRIGGS (The Ten Commandments(1956),Shane,White Christmas)
49-) NESTOR ALMENDROS (Days of Heaven,Sophie's Choice, Kramer vs. Kramer)
48-) ROBERT BURKS (Rear Window,Vertigo,North by Northwest)
47-) ROGER DEAKINS (No Country for Old Men,The Shawshank Redemption,Barton Fink)
46-) CARL HOFFMANN (Faust,Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler,Die Nibelungen)
45-) LUCIEN BALLARD (The Wild Bunch,The Killing,The Getaway)
44-) KARL FREUND (The Last Laugh, Metropolis,Key Largo)
43-) RUSSELL METTY (Touch of Evil,Spartacus,Bringing Up Baby)
42-) GEORGES PERINAL (The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp,The Thief of Bagdad,The Fallen Idol)
41-) JOSEPH RUTTENBERG (The Philadelphia Story,Gaslight,Mrs. Miniver)
40-) FRITZ ARNO WAGNER (M,Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror,Spione)
39-) GIUSEPPE ROTUNNO (The Leopard,Rocco and His Brothers,White Nights)
38-) HENRI DECAE (The 400 Blows,Le Samurai,Elevator to the Gallows)
37-) WİNTON C. HOCH (The Searchers,The Quiet Man,She Wore a Yellow Ribbon)
36-) JOSEPH B.WALKER (It's a Wonderful Life,His Girl Friday,It Happened One Night)
35-) GIANNI DI VENANZO (8½,L'eclisse,La notte)
34-) ARTHUR C.MILLER (How Green Was My Valley,The Ox-Bow Incident,Gentleman's Agreement)
33-) GILBERT TAYLOR (Star Wars:Episode IV - A New Hope,Dr. Strangelove,The Omen)
32-) ROLAND H. TOTHEROH (The Gold Rush,City Lights,Modern Times)
31-) HARRY STRADLING (SR) (A Streetcar Named Desire,My Fair Lady,Guys and Dolls)
30-) GEOFFREY UNSWORTH (2001: A Space Odyssey,Cabaret,Becket)
29-) HENRI ALEKAN (Beauty and the Beast,Roman Holiday,Wings of Desire)
28-) GHISLAIN CLOQUET (Au hasard Balthazar,Mouchette,Tess)
27-) OTELLO MARTELLI (La Dolce Vita,La Strada,I Vitelloni)
26-) HAROLD ROSSON (The Wizard of Oz,The Asphalt Jungle,Singin' in the Rain)
25-) KARL STRUSS (Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans,The Great Dictator,Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) )
24-) ROBERT KRASKER (The Third Man,Brief Encounter,Senso)
23-) KAZUO MIYAGAWA (Rashômon,Ugetsu monogatari,Yojimbo)
22-) ROBERT L. SURTESS (Ben-Hur,The Sting,The Graduate)
21-) ASAKAZU NAKAI (Seven Samurai,Ikiru,Ran)
GUNNAR FISCHER (Wild Strawberries,The Seventh Seal,Smiles of a Summer Night)
20-) BURNETT GUFFEY (From Here to Eternity,Birdman of Alcatraz,Bonnie and Clyde)
19-) GORDON WILLIS (The Godfather,The Godfather: Part II,Manhattan)
18-) LEONCE HENRI BUREL (Napoléon,A Man Escaped,Pickpocket)
17-) CHRISTIAN MATRAS (La Grande Illusion,The Earrings of Madame de...,Lola Montès)
16-) BORIS KAUFMAN (On the Waterfront,12 Angry Men,Splendor in the Grass)
15-) GABRIEL FIGUEROA (Los Olvidados,The Pearl,The Exterminating Angel)
14-) JOHN F.SEITZ (Sunset Blvd.,Double Indemnity,Sullivan's Travels)
ERNEST HALLER (Gone with the Wind,What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?,Mildred Pierce)
13-) SACHA VIERNY (Hiroshima Mon Amour,Last Year at Marienbad,Belle de Jour)
12-) JAMES WONG HOWE (Sweet Smell of Success,Hud,The Prisoner of Zenda)
11-) RAOUL COUTARD (À bout de souffle,Jules et Jim,Z)

10-) VITTORIO STORARO (The Conformist,Apocalypse Now,The Last Emperor)
9-) TONINO DELLI COLLI (Once Upon a Time in America,The Good, the Ugly, the Bad,The Gospel According to St. Matthew)
8-) CONRAD L. HALL (Road to Perdition,Cool Hand Luke,In Cold Blood)
7-) ARTHUR EDESON (Casablanca,The Maltese Falcon,All Quiet on the Western Front)
6-) RUDOLPH MATE (The Passion of Joan of Arc,Vampyr,Dodsworth)
G.W. BITZER (Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages,Broken Blossoms,Orphans of the Storm)

5-) STANLEY CORTEZ (The Night of the Hunter,The Magnificent Ambersons,Shock Corridor)
4-) JACK CARDIFF (Black Narcissus,The Red Shoes,A Matter of Life and Death)
3-) FREDDIE YOUNG (Lawrence of Arabia,Doctor Zhivago,Ryan's Daughter)
2-) SVEN NYKVIST (Persona,Fanny ve Alexander,The Sacrifice)
1-) GREGG TOLAND (Citizen Kane,The Grapes of Wrath,The Best Years of Our Lives)
