MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > The Mertez's when they were in Californi...

The Mertez's when they were in California

Did anyone find the season when the Ricardo's and the Mertze's in L.A. annoying?
Ethel and Fred are so irritating. Specifically about the money issues. They are completely ungrateful.
They get a free ride from Ricky all the way to ny to l.a. Fred doesn't chip in for gas. When they plan to leave l.a.for NYC Fred doesn't want to buy the train tickets! You got to be kidding. It was the least funny season! It made me so mad. As Lucy would say 'honestly!'


I love the Hollywood episodes! But Fred's cheapness does come out in full force. Maybe the warm California sun made it grow bigger!

Well it started back in New York. It was nice of the Ricardos to offer to take them since the "backseat was empty." Ricky did have to pay for the gas anyway, but I can't believe that Fred would've refused to pay for the gas at least a few times. I can't believe that it wouldn't make him uncomfortabe to be such a tightwad.

When they got to L.A. and went to lunch at the Brown Derby, Lucy said that Ricky gave her the money for their meal. At first Fred was looking at the prices on the menu. As soon as he found out it was another free meal, he relaxed and said that he could look at the other side of the menu.

You would think that since the Ricardos just carted his cheap hide across country that he'd say, "Lunch is on me!"

That whole situation with the train tickets was Fred's cheapness in overdrive. I think Ricky should have at least mentioned to Fred that he was selling the car. That was the way the Mertzes thought they were getting home. However Fred could have been understanding since Ricky was able to get a good price for the car. He would be selling it anyway when he got back to New York.

And really, it would have been a tight squeeze with the two couples, Lucy's mother and the baby. The train would be a lot more comfortable for little Ricky.

And did Fred forget that Mrs. MacGillicuddy got carsick? I wouldn't want to sit next to someone who was queasy for three thousand miles.😞

Fred could've been a good sport and generous and offered to pay for half the train fare at least. After all, he did have use of the car all the time they were in Hollywood. He and Ethel didn't need a rental to go on that day trip without Lucy. Remember when he wanted to sell their building and buy an orange grove near Pomona?

Of course it was estabished how cheap Fred was and it made for some comical situations. But he sure did take advantage. What exacty was he saving his money for???


I like the Hollywood episodes too, but not with Fred or Ethel in the scenes! It irked me when Lucy gave the Mertze's their cabin tickets ...Fred changed them for uppers and with the difference paid for the damage of the motorcycle he bought while in California...instead of giving the money to Ricky! Unreal! He was a greedy old man...I can't think of any other season where his cheapskate ways were highlighted more!
But Ethel isn't any better! Lucy and Ricky are too nice...I would've severed the friendship so fast lol!



While I cannot fully disagree with you ericka...I cannot totally agree either.

Another approach to that episode about the train ride back home: Fred and Ethel had told Ricky in New York that they couldn't afford to go to California with them, but, after some squabbling, were welcomed to ride for free in the back seat of the car.

Now if any dear friend of mine let me go across the country with him with that arrangement, I would fully expect to be able to return home the same way. I mean, I wouldn't say, while visiting Chicago with my friend on a day trip, "I know I told you I would buy the gas to Chicago, now that we're hear, you need to buy the gas for the trip home."

Fred was suddenly hit with this expensive news that he would have to pay for train tickets home. It is understandable that he would be upset: He fully thought they were going home in the car they went West in.

As I said, Fred and Ethel's behavior was also a problem for me in trying to enjoy the episode, particularly the stupid notion of buying the motorcycle, and doing it before Ricky had a chance to change his mind, as though they had to leave within the hour or something.

Otherwise, many of the Hollywood episodes were among the most memorable in the series.

Why don't we just shoot 'em down and be through with it?


Of course that was Fred's moniker, tightwad. Ethel never got a new dress and had to look so tacky, never had a trip and the furniture in their apartment was so old. Ethel should have spoken up and said that they would help with the gas across country. She should have told Fred to pipe down. What I can't understand is how Ethel agreed with Fred that they shouldn't have to pay for gas. I think Ricky and Lucy were way too generous. Love how Ricky asks Fred if he'll pay for oil and water.

When they stop at that dumpy shack for food Ricky pays that bill. That Mr. Skinner is a riot. Love entertainment tax.

The only time Fred didn't care about money was when he was so tired he would pay $4 for a bed.


Also, it's never mentioned, but I believe Ricky paid for the Mertz's hotel room, too. The studio paid for the Ricardo's suite.



Fred is such a cheapskate. When Ethel said it would cost the same if she and Fred weren't there. Wrong they were additional weight and it takes more gas.


To me the Hollywood episodes were the best of the series. I got used to Fred being stingy with money, it was just part of his personality. One of my favorite scenes is when they get on the motorcycle and drive backwards and Fred comes out with handle bars. Hilarious!


Some of Fred's stingy behavior was funny. But sometimes he was just too cheap!

Remember when they had the little party to celebrate the completion of Ricky's movie? Ethel said she bought the caviar. It was pretty expensive, but Fred almost choked. Then he told Ricky that he had his "life savings" tied up in that caviar. Geez, he just got a nice trip to Hollywood courtesy of Ricky. So he couldn't spare a few dollars for a gift? It's not like he had a couple of kids to put through college. LOL


I think we've all known people like Fred in real-life, especially older people who grew up during the Depression, so that made him believable to me. But all four had traits that were kind of annoying, that was Fred's. The interesting thing is Lucille Ball was like Fred in real life.


I think the absolute worst episode showcasing Fred's cheapness would be when Lucy sent in all those entries in friends names to win Little Ricky the horse, then Fred almost kept the horse when his name happened to be the one drawn. Lucy bought the cereal and filled out the entries to win his godson a horse, and it took Ethel threatening to leave him and Little Ricky's puppy dog eyes to get Fred to finally let it go.

Have to admit this was the one time I was actually getting pissed off with Fred before he finally gave in.
