Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor is down by the pool in 'Don Juan and the Starlets' and they meet him at the Farmer's Market in 'The Start Upstairs', but we never see him in person.

I don't know much about him or his relationship with DesiLu or MGM, but does anyone know why he was mentioned twice and never seen?


Gosh, I don't know. I know he signed Lucy's grapefruit! LOL

Since they were in Hollywood I think it was natural that they would've seen a lot of stars that were not in actual episodes. Like the tin can Lucy saved because it was run over by Cary Grant's left rear tire.

I remember reading that they did want Cary Grant for an episode but he wasn't available. Maybe they wanted Robert Taylor for an episode.

It might not have been in the show's budget to pay for any more movie star guests. Don't know what they got paid, but I doubt if they worked for scale! Of course they may have just appeared as a favor to the Arnazes and for a chance to plug their new movie. I think they mention John Wayne's 'Blood Alley' about five times.

Lucy also mentions a few other stars in the episode when Caroline Appleby visits. Lucy pretended that she was chatting with a lot of stars down by the pool. I think she mentions Hedy Lamarr and Walter Pidgeon. I'm pretty sure that she said another name but I can't remember who.


I'm pretty sure that she said another name but I can't remember who.

When Caroline Appleby visited, she also either mentioned or pretended to be Clark Gable and Gary Cooper.


You know, I've always been puzzled by that whole Robert Taylor namedropping. I mean, I don't think he was super, super A-list or anything, at least not anymore than William Holden was at the time. Maybe an episode was planned around him and---for whatever reason---it was cancelled.


That's the kind of thing I was wondering, joewhiteyipee. The orange was mentioned again in the Richard Widmark episode. That is three episodes that mention Robert Taylor and the orange without showing it.

Sometimes I wonder if they filmed it and we never got to see it.


Too much is being made by this. Clark Gable is ALSO mentioned, and we
never see him. What about Lana Turner, at least twice. Taylor and Turner
were still A-list in this period, but if wanted, especially as old
MGM cohorts of Lucy and Desi, it would've happened.

It's certainly possible that, due to scheduling issues, they didn't get
every star they wanted, but that doesn't mean that Taylor was even
approached just because he was mentioned twice.


It was mentioned that they met Lana Turner and Clark Gable twice in the show? I don't remember a meeting with either of them mentioned.


I didn't write that...I wrote that just because they were brought up twice,
doesn't mean that Desilu planned to use them on the show. Same with Taylor,
whose second shout-out is only used as a plot device so Ricky can comment on
Lucy's collection of silly autographs. And Fred has Turner's lipstick "autograph",
so he probably met her, either on the street, a restaurant, or when Fred and
Ethel got bit parts at MGM in that movie.
