He also played a milkman menaced by Mr. Foster (Lucy's idea) in a first season episode.

This actor looks so much like Lou Costello that he could pass as a twin!
I wondered if he doubled for Lou in the A&C movies for Universal.


Yeah, he could've been Lou Costello's brother!

He was so funny as Bobby the bellboy. My favorite episode with him is 'Hollywood Anniversary'. Lucy was angry at Ricky for forgetting their anniversary and declined to go the nightclub with him and the Mertzes. But Lucy's mom convinced her to go anyway.

They asked Bobby to go as their escort. He looks so cute walking in with the two women wearing his tuxedo. He tries to look all suave and sophisticated. When he passes by Ricky's table he does a sort of shrug and a funny look like, "Don't blame ME, your wife is very persuasive."😆
