Best Foot Forward

Since we're all still hunkered down here (especially in L.A.), I have been ordering some films
from Amazon that I knew I wanted as part of my personal DVD/Blu Ray collection, but never
got around to purchasing.

Last week, I ordered "Best Foot Forward", starring Lucy (portraying herself) from MGM in
1943. I'd forgotten how swell this flick is. Lucy, supposedly to create publicity, agrees to
visit a military academy, as one of the young men wrote her a fan letter. Well, she goes
the weekend of a dance, right when many of the young guys' girlfriends are there!! Lucy,
through no fault of her own, creates a riot (there's a scene where a group of girls tear off
her dress, bit by bit. Sound familiar?).

There is a lot of crazy comic bits: Lucy hiding in closets, with one very randy young man who keeps
trying to get in there WITH her; lots of snappy one-liners, etc. But best of all are the musical
numbers, featuring some knockout big band stunners from Harry James and his Music Makers.

The cast includes newcomers June Allyson, Gloria DeHaven....and (drum roll, please) young
Nancy Walker (that's right, Rhoda's Mom!). She is a hoot and almost walks away with the
picture. She also has an hilarious song and dance number with Harry James, called "Alive
and Kickin'."

This delightful musical was remastered in 2007, and looks (and sounds) terrific, especially for
a film of its vintage. And Lucy is soooooooo beautiful here at age 32, with her gorgeous
outfits and bright red hair. She was indeed a star, long before ILL.

If you don't like musicals, maybe you might pass. But the songs are snappy, upbeat and
great fun. I've watched it twice already.

Highly recommended!
