MovieChat Forums > An American in Paris (1951) Discussion > Georges Guetary = Underrated performance...

Georges Guetary = Underrated performance

Guetary never seems to get much love. Leslie Caron basically dissed him in the "Making of" Documentary, and Gene Kelly apparently had issues with him over the filming of the "Stairway to Paradise" number. In fact, its pretty well documented that Guetary wasn't even Kelley's first choice - rather he wanted Maurice Chevalier first and settled on Guetary. Even Kelley's biographer slams Guetary over his not being right for the part.

If the reason is Guetary being too young, then I get it, but only with the knowledge that Chevalier was wanted first for the part. But, in a way, I think had Chevalier taken the part, his personality might have taken away from or distracted from the film's content (although even the idea of a Kelley, Levant, Chevalier pairing sounds iconic).

Rather, I watch Guetary in this film and think its a shame he didn't do more work in America. Not only was he quite handsome and amiable but his voice has this melodious quality that I don't think I've ever heard from another performer from this era - just like it was made for Gershwin; almost like Chevalier meets Peter Lorre, lol. Whatever problems sprang from the filming of "Stairway to Paradise," I immensely enjoyed it, his rendition of "Nice Work if You Can Get It" is my favorite version and, what's more, his harmony with Kelley is perfect in "S'Wonderful."

And so its a shame his performance is panned so much. It certainly isn't horrible. I think what is lacking in his performance is character development, which moreover seems to result from the screenwriting, which had such a surplus of interesting characters not given enough to do (Nina Foch and Oscar Levant similarly don't get the development their characters probably deserved). And even then, I think he's generally well written. His gesture at the end is so benign and noble; enabling him to distinguish himself from the typical "other man" stock characters in musicals who come off as jerks, therefore making it obvious who the heroine will end up with.



Watching now on TCM and I tend to agree!


I've seen the movie a few times and I honestly never paid his performance much attention. But you're right. He's lovely in it. Understated but graceful which only adds to one of the many pleasures of this film.


Anyone know why Mr. Guetary didn't have an American film career? Seems to me he could've functioned as a singing Louis Jourdan (GIGI, anyone?)

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


His vibrato was out of control.


Funny this thread sings his praises, as I came here to see if anyone hated Stairway To Paradise as much as I do lol. IDK if singjohn's comment about his vibrato being "out of control" was a compliment or not but it made me want to stick a hat pin in each of my ears. I don't think I can get across how much I HATE that number, and his performance overall. I actually don't know anything about Kelly or anybody else having a problem with him/it, but knowing it now doesn't surprise me. I thought it was just me.
