MovieChat Forums > An American in Paris (1951) Discussion > Enjoyed the dancing, but the plot....

Enjoyed the dancing, but the plot....

Enjoyed the FABULOUS dancing, but the plot was unbelievably bad.
Gene behaves like a total boor & is completely obnoxious to Leslie & she immediately falls in love with him???
And what business had she seeing any man whatsoever, being engaged like she was to a great guy & getting married in days??
I couldn't see what Gene found so objectionable about Nina either, she's GORGEOUS and wants to help him & he treated her like dirt.
I would have preferred an ending like "Casablanca"'s, much more realistic!!!!



The dancing was fabulous, and the plot weak. Jerry was no way a romantic, but I'm considering the era. I find a lot of fault with Lise. She was engaged and falling in love with Jerry. And didn't tell Jerry. As for Milo, she had a habit of wanting what she couldn't have. So something is off when you routinely pick the wrong guy. I do agree that she should have stayed with the other guy, but then it wouldn't be a romance.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I got bored because the lack of any real story. Gershwin's songs have been sung better elsewhere. The dancing of the reverie sequence towards the end saves it.
