surprise guest appearance

First time I've seen this movie right through (love the songs, can't understand why I've never seen the movie before!)
Was very surprised to recognise (the voice first, and then the face of) Noel Neill aka Lois Lane from the George Reeves Superman tv series! She's the American lady who criticises Jerry Mulligan's paintings just before he meets Milo for the first time.
Jen in Oz


Wow interesting, I read an interview with her in filmfax a few years ago but I don't think she mentioned that. Thanks.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


The two actors I remember getting the big reaction while watching the movie in theatres at revivals and film fests 25-30 years later would be Madge Blake (Leave It To Beaver, Batman) and Hayden Rorke (Dr. Bellows on I Dream of Jeannie) - as if people had no idea these actors had ever done any film work prior to 1960’s TV! The TV series I mentioned were still in syndication and popular the times I was fortunate to see An American In Paris in a proper cinema setting.

Older members in the audience and big fans of the Superman TV series would recognize Noel Neill but at the times I refer to above she was no longer getting as big a reaction as the other two “surprise” actors.

The other odd thing that would get a reaction was in the perfume shop scene where Madge Blake mentions her husband is in Milwaukee. I was living in Milwaukee the times I saw the movie on a big screen and at that time I guess people in Milwaukee weren’t used to hearing Milwaukee being mentioned in a movie.


Noel Neill.
I knew I had seen her before! I think this may be the first time I saw her in color when she was young.
Thanks for the info.
