A noteworthy movie

It is noteworthy in that if IMDB reviews could negate its Academy Awards, it would lose it.

But it will retain its rewards, just like OJ will always be a Heisman trophy winner.

I watch it occasionally, when it is on, hoping to find some redeeming feature. Still I find it incredibly boring. I like Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron in other films, so that is not the problem.

The story is very bad, not because it is aged, but just because it is bad. The music and songs are average, and they jump into the plot line without reason.

The ending musical skit is a good reason to change the channel, or leave the theatre. I would say it just doesn't fit, but then that would be unfair to say that a bad musical shouldn't have a bad ending.

This bad and silly movie musical has a few loyal followers, for reasons that only they can explain. For the rest of us, we should be content that for the movies that came out in 1951, there were apparently an inordinate number of drunk or crazy accredited voters in the Academy.


The musical and dance numbers make this film a masterpiece. My problem is the screen play. The opening narration is unnecessary, the ending incredulous. The sets and cinematography were magical, but without the music and dance, this would be a fail.




Yes, but honestly - who watches a musical for the plot...really?
If you went into this expecting a masterful plot, you're an idiot - most musicals have flimsy as hell plots, but it typically doesn't matter.

Besides, if it had a better plot I'm sure you would still have a problem with convincing relationships and characters and a greater sense of reality, yet characters break into song still.


I agree. I loved the ending dance sequence for its artistry all aroun. Gene's other dance numbers were enjoyable as well plus the costumes and production design elements. It sorta/kinda looks like the typical MGM musical offering but it's essence is dance. Given how beautifully and sexy the finale was, I almost wish they could have done the entire movie as a ballet and tossed the script. The film is a hybrid which makes it a bit confusing as the plot-move-along characters evaporate. A happy ending for Gene and the girl; tough knocks for what's-there-names who were otherwise troopers in their contributions


Yes, no better than Mozart or Porter, Rodgers, Kern, Berlin, etc.

The music and dancing are great. The script is mediocre at best.
