Double take

Who is the artist that Gene Kelly does a double take on when Gene is walking to his location to hang and sell his own paintings? Thanks.



It was a "Winston Churchill" look-a-like. Churchill was an amateur painter. The actor was Greg McClure (he's listed in the cast on



Thank goodness someone asked this. I was puzzling over the same thing.


I thought it was supposed to be Picasso. I know he wasn't French, but neither was Winston Churchill. I will now have a closer look when I watch it again (some time next week).

Just out of interest, is it actually documented anywhere that it WAS supposed to be Churchill, because I thought I was being quite clever in spotting "Picasso", and now it looks as though I was wrong.

O.K.,I've watched it again and that has GOT to be Churchill, with that hat and that cigar.So I stand corrected then.


I was just wondering the same thing. Thanks!


ooooohh yeah... Churchill does make total sense...Jerrys fresh out of the war and stayed i guess did Churchill.

and i thought Picasso was a cool idea!


Definitely Winston Churchill.
