My Favourite Musical!

This film is my absolute favourite out of my musical collection, because:

1) Gene Kelly! His singin' and dancin'!!
2) The songs.
3) That 18 minute ballet! Wooo!

I couldn't help but watch and listen to the ballet over 5 times because it's soo good, Gene Kelly is the best tap-dancer I have ever seen!! SQUEE!

GIR: I saw a squirrel!
ZIM: ...
GIR: It was going like this! *Does impression of squirrel*


I should say I saw it full-length last december and it just blew my mind! I've always loved Minnelli's films but this is an absolute masterpiece. The script, the music, those "modern" moments are brilliant... OH THANK GOD FOR GERSWHIN!!!!


Yes, my favourite musical too.

The ballet seems to be often criticised today as needlessly long and showy, but I think it's great. Gene's great in this one.


even i love it
its one of my fav musical


Absolutely, a_kind_dalek. I can't say it's my favorite musical...but certainly it's one of my favorites. And the American in Paris ballet sequence...bravo. It's awesome to think of all the planning and execution that went into that 18 minute segment. There's so much going on there, one has to see it a number of times to really appreciate it. Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron were perfect in this movie.


Right on 'a kind dalek'! Although I place "Signing in the rain" as my favorite Kelly film (Cyd Charisse was on it! :) ), the ballet sequence on "An american in Paris" always leaves me wanting more. I will continue wantching this movie and never tire of it.
