He should have picked Milo

I would have chosen Milo over Lise in a heartbeat. She was better looking, better personality, funny and smart. Sexy, confident woman. Perfect package.

And as a bonus she was rich and would have helped him to make his art.


I agree (sort of - I adore Leslie Caron), but don't you think Milo deserved BETTER than Kelly's character??? He was
awful to her!


I totally agree! Milo deserved way better! I just hope she'll give a really good guy a chance, considering she fell so hard for an asshole like Jerry.


Well, Leslie Caron deserved better too, better than a broke forty-ish jerk painter of generic crap, if you're going to be realistic.

But let's not be realistic, let's let the magic of cinema convince us that dancing together tha beautifully means they're meant for each other.
