MovieChat Forums > Jeux interdits (1952) Discussion > Did anyone else notice...

Did anyone else notice...

The young actor who played Michel continuously mouthed Paulette's and others' lines. I had to rewind a few times to make sure I wasn't crazy. haha! He does it in several scenes. I still loved this film but that bothered me.

Let the world change you and you can change the world.


One person posted this theory in "User Comments" for this movie:

"Also very good is Poujouly as the farm boy who loves little Paulette and shows that love by assuming the psychological and spiritual responsibility for helping her to overcome the tragedy of being so brutally orphaned. He is himself experiencing a pre-adolescent coming of age, a transition exemplified by rebellion and a growing independence of mind and spirit. Poujouly is intense and fully engaged, so much so that in one scene we can see him mouth in unison Paulette's lines in preparation for his time to speak. Clément left this in perhaps because he knew it would further characterize Michel's intensity."


Maybe, maybe not.

In the scene in question Paulette has just laid her head down face first on the floor so we can't see her lips move, we only hear her words. And, yes it appears that Michel is mouthing words.

Another theory is perhaps he was directed to say her lines in order that he would know when to say his own lines for the correct timing.


In which scene exactly can we see this?


It's in the second half of the movie, the scene when she gets angry at him for killing the cockroach.


I noticed it twice.
