Alternate Ending

What a beautiful movie. I was awash at the end! After I recovered, I watched the alternate beginning and ending. I'm glad they cut the beginning out, because it really would have changed the tone of the movie. The ending, however, I thought was good! It would have been interesting for you to see that it was a story, with beautiful diologue about them joining the 2 kids on their island, but then perhaps not as powerful. Maybe that's just my cowardly sense of wanting Paulette and Michel to end up together. I'm so glad he tossed the crosses into the river, and am hoping in the back of my mind that he runs away. I'm so glad Paulette did from the orphanage. What a wonderful, simple movie! The movie's good as it is.


I saw the film several times when it first came out in the 1950s. I haven't seen it since. In the film that I remember, the boy and girl are separated and the film ends with one or the other (I forget which) in tears as the other is being driven away. We hear the famous guitar music by Narciso Yepes. The End.

In the 1950s everybody talked about the sad ending and I never heard of any other. What other ending could their possibly be???


Oh, well in the 1950s, they were seperated, that was it, but she did run away from the orphanage, and it was heartbreaking. But there's an alternate beginning/ending not released (now on DVD) where in the beginning the actors of Micheal and Pauletter are 2 different children, and Miceal is telling her a story ....then the whole movies happens...the girl sobs, hating that they were seperated, and the boy pretends there's more and tells her that they both found each other again and lived happily ever after. The girl ask hims for the two characters to come and live with them (on their island, where they're reading the book)...
