How Times have changed

I was horrified when I saw Jimmy Stewart leave his 13 year old daughter with a strange man in their house while he went to the liquor store. And he even told her to entertain him while he was gone! I guess viewers didn't bat an eye at that scene, but a parent would certainly never do that today.

And the girl even took him up to her bedroom and showed him around. It's not like the man was inappropriate but the scene just creeped me out.


People weren't as uptight about helicoptering children at that time. In 1951, most audience members wouldn't have worried about it.


Yes, I understand times have changed, and thus the title of my post. But I don't think it would be "helicopter" parenting to choose to not leave your preteen daughter at home alone with a strange man she's never met before. I think it would be responsible parenting.


The man was a highly respected government employee and his boss. Although the role that Stewart played was that of the slightly loony professor...
