MovieChat Forums > High Noon (1952) Discussion > Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly

Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly

It just struck me how much older Cooper is than Kelly and Im kinda pissed about it. As if a hottie like Grace Kelly wouldnt be repulsed by a man that is well old enough to be her father. Kelly is 23 in this movie to Cooper's 51. I can't watch this the same anymore.


Imagine what they look like now and perhaps you'll be able to watch it again.


I never think of the age difference during High Noon. Hollywood has a way of casting leading men opposite starlets half their age.
If yuou think Gary Cooper was too old for Grace Kelly, you should try watching him opposite Audrey Hepburn in Love in the Afternoon.


In fact, Cooper and Kelly were having an affair during the shoot. So, she obviously wasn't repulsed. Nor was Anita Ekberg, five years later.




Absolutely. There's nothing sexier than an older man...




Coop at 51 was still more handsome than any other man half his age. He was one of the most spectacularly gorgeous men in movie history. I admit, he was past his prime here, but bear in mind they shot him without make up here. Grace Kelly had a torrid affair with Cooper during the filming, so she obviously thought he was hot stuff. Because he was.


The older man/younger woman scenario is a more common convention in the movie world than real life. For whatever reasons, though I can think of a few obvious ones, we have become accustomed to it without a second thought. It occupies the realm of suspension of disbelief comfortably.


I got the special edition 2-DVD set, and was watching the review hosted by Leonard Maltin. He did mention that the director thought the public might be outraged in the age difference between Cooper and Kelly.

Hardly anyone noticed.

Joker's Wilde



I'm not outraged, I do just find it a tad unbelievable, as with most of the films with these age discrepancies.

By the way i love your signature being a fellow CMU Alum, Fire up Chips!!!



Grace and Audrey were both born in 1929. I would hardly classify a few months difference as "younger"or "older". The average person who does not have an obsession with age would say that they were both 22 at that time.


Once you're over 12, no one cares about a 6 month age difference. It's petty and stupid, much like you.

oh9, don't you ever get sick of embarassing yourself? Do you have any idea how stupid you look when you post your OCD age comments?

You can't fix STUPID, but you can point it out



Thanks. I'm not an alum; I'm glad ONE of my favourite college teams won a bowl game.

Michigan State = lost
Boston College = lost

Then again, Penn State did win theirs.

Joker's Wilde




Cooper also had an affair with with Patricia Neal in the fountainhead and she was younger at that time then than Kelly was when she filmed high noon.

Kelly was always with men old enough to be her father. Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. She found these men attractive.

Maybe if they were ordinary blokes but these men are hollywood royalty! She obviously wouldn't settle for less.


And let's not forget Clark Gable in Mogambo.



I was actually a bit disgusted when the kissed. The age gap is about the same between myself and my parents.


I've been watching this post for long. I don't get it, it really wasn't palpable when I watched it twice? I am from India where this is seriously a taboo. It never looked Gary was like Kelley's father. When they kissed it was perfect. Romantic and intense. I do not know where you're from, but such age difference is seriously a old fashioned thing now. I would have understood if you were making these comments back in the 50s. Not now.


I don't think she would be repulsed because she liked old men in real life. I mean look at what kind of men she was with. They did have affair. He was handsome man all his life. I can see why Grace Kelly would want him. A lot of younger women would want man like him. I think they are adorable together.


Why? Kelly was involved with many older men, for example, Bing Crosby- bald, short, stocky, about the same age as Coop. And Coop was involved with actresses with a greater age difference, e.g., Joan Leslie in "Sergeant York," and it came out fine. I'm 30 years older than my sexy young gf, and it works for us. Cooper was tall, slender, rangy, elegant looking, handsome, and rugged at the same time. What are you- jealous? Coop was involved in a real life romance with a very young woman- Patricia Neal. What's your problem? Jealous? Women react to good looking men that are mature and understanding and treat them right, still attractive and virile, which describes Cooper. With your language I doubt that a hottie like Grace would be attracted to you, whatever your age.
