MovieChat Forums > Rancho Notorious (1952) Discussion > treasure trove of character actors

treasure trove of character actors

This movie is a feast when it comes to character actors from B westerns and serials How often do you see Harry Woods playing an honest sheriff or I. Stanford Jolley playing a good guy? You have to go back and read this site for a complete cast list: Rod Redwing who always shot it out with Marshal Dillon, Kermit Maynard, Harry Lauter(who Sidney Poitier once paid tribute to) and the list goes on.
Why doesn't Lloyd Gough(Kinch) receive screen credit? According to Dennis Weaver's intro on the Westerns channel, Gough refused to testify before the HUAC and Howard Hughes took his name out.


You are right about why Gough received no screen credit. Howard Hughes was a very vicious man - always ready to use his wealth and position to destroy those he didn't like. He was also very much "into" that Un-American Activities business. Unlike some of the people who were destroyed during that dark and evil time, Gough actually HAD been involved in some radical "left wing" causes during the 1940's...and had every Constitutional right to be. He was, however, able to ride out the Hollywood blacklisting by returning to the Broadway Stage...and option some of the blacklisted victims did not have.


Gough is one of those actors whom I cannot put a face to. I remember reading an interview with Marc Lawrence years ago where he said Wayne welcomed him to the TRUE GRIT set after too long a time. When Lawrence was asked by the HUAC why he joined the Party: "I heard it was a good place to meet dames."

When I was in my freshman(1961) English class, my instructor Ruth Smock was VERY anticommunist and showed OPERATION ABOLITION. That stirred up a controvery on campus and she put out a special edition newspaper defeding showing the film. We all had to write out research papers on communism.

In her favor she enouraged us to write and gave extra credit for submitting to magazines. If you sold a story, you got an automatic A. She was one of three instructors I credit for encouraging me to write although I've never sold anything.

I did write 3 articles for a Navy publication one of which received nice comments from the Chiefs of Navy Personnel and Information. But that's another story.

See you at the movies.+


I spewed my ire over Lloyd Gough's treatment by the HUAC over at his page. My father worked in film and TV right after WWII, and I heard a lot of stories during my childhood about friends of my parents who'd been blacklisted and ruined. "Dark and evil time" absolutely. Well said.

It takes a person with chutzpah and few brains to call Anerica the "best country." We have a flawed history rife with examples of how we treat people: the destruction of our Native American societies, enslavement of black people, internment of Japanese. I wonder if we've learned ANYTHING?


Yet in spite of its mistakes, no country in history has ever done more good within its own borders and the world at large than the United States. You sound like a soft-headed child who has just come out of one of the socialist indoctrination centers referred to as universities. I don't know enough about you to say you are stupid, but you are certainly naive and uneducated.


Actually you sound highly uneducated for resorting to name-calling when you don't agree with someone. Maybe a stint at University would open your mind to other viewpoints and give you the skills to debate intelligently. Give it a try!

A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
... Strictly Ballroom
