MovieChat Forums > Rancho Notorious (1952) Discussion > Arthur Kennedy Fan but....

Arthur Kennedy Fan but....

Arthur was a good actor and being Irish..he is my man but......He never did
anything to make himself look better foor the moviegoer to Westerns.
Clint Walker and Randolph Scott looked the part but Art was built like a BIG PEAR,poor posture and not a muscle in sight.I asked him about this once and his response was something about buying bigger shirts and baggy pants!


Men in the Old West were, believe it or not, not all tall, lean, and muscular. Some of them even had bad posture! One great advantage that Kennedy had over Scott, and especially Walker, was that he could act.


I was watching him in a film today and thought the same thing..I really like him in almost every film i watch him in but he is an acquired taste..I like the movies he is in the 2nd time i watch them more than the 1st..Obviously he is a good actor..portraying characters with flaws was his forte..and played with some of the big screen stars and never was upstaged..
