Shark vs. Octopus

Since Rhed came along and drew the attention away, the audience never gets to
see the outcome of the shark/octopus battle. Would the octopus have had a chance
to at least get away? And did this little scene give Roger Corman the idea for

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



The Rhedosaurus ATE the combatants! All that thrashing around~with blood drawn~obviously drew its attention; it is shown engulfing the two creatures. Then, it turns its attention on the next target.

If Roger Corman was inspired, there's also "Devil Fish" aka "Shark: Rosso nell'oceano"(1984 Italian).
From IMDb:
A marine biologist, a dolphin trainer, a research scientist, and a local sheriff try to hunt down a large sea monster, a shark/octopus hybrid, that is devouring swimmers and fishermen off a south Florida coast.
From IMDb 2:
Several boats are torn apart, and badly wrecked corpses are washed ashore. Something horrible is out in the Caribbean sea. The teeth marks on the bodies don't lead to any known animal, so scientist Dr. Stella Dickens suspects it's a so far unknown life form and strives to catch it alive. She doesn't know yet that ruthless scientists have genetically created this creature as a bioweapon or that it has been designed to reproduce by asexual means. And, the company she works for created the creature and will stop at nothing to keep their secret.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Has anyone else noticed that the scene of the shark fighting the octopus is the same film footage used in the documentary film "The Sea Around Us"? Both films came out the same year, but were released from different studios.


What I've always wondered is: was that fight staged in some way? By the filmmakers (of whichever of the two films.)

Because it seems to me that the octopus will be the clear loser; its not so much a fight as its an attack on the octopus that the octopus can't foil. (I believe the octopus releases a black cloud of fluid to disguise its escape, rather than blood, but it doesn't escape.)

I am assuming, "in real life," the shark killed the octopus and ate it. For real. There's no breaking up a fight like that...

...and, if the fight wasn't staged(which would be a rather brutal choice for the filmmakers) were they so lucky as to stumble upon that fight with documentary cameras?


actually if the octopus was big enough compared to the shark, it might kill the shark. It has happened.


You got footage, huh?

I'll take a look.

How DOES an octopus kill a shark? By crushing it? By drowning it? I would have thought the one with the teeth wins...

I'll take a look....


They have beaks, maybe they bite.
