
To be honest the premise for this film isnt so bad.

I could see them remaking it but making ro-man more violent and
making it a darker sci fi. something perhaps directed by Danny Boyle
or Terry Gilliam. hell I'd even consider Tarantino to bring it to justice.


The director of the Hills Have Eyes remake.
I could SO see Robot Monster done in this style.




I am getting really tired of EVERY SINGLE BOARD for EVERY MOVIE having at least one topic titled "Remake?".

Guess what, the movie was already made. Maybe it was good, maybe it sucked. Maybe it's a classic, maybe it will be forgotten by history.

I have a really great idea for Hollywood (and IMDb posters)... how about making some NEW MOVIES. Yes, I said it. Movies that have never been made before, something new and creative, something that you actually would have to push your mind and creativity to a new level in order to write it. Imagine that.

Do I sound like I'm being ridiculous and petty? Well just imagine this... a young artist decides he really likes the painting "Starry Night". So he paints it again... a "remake" of a classic painting. If he were to then take this painting to a gallery and pass it off as a "remake" of a Van Gogh, would it be art? Would it even be a legitimate piece of work? Or, would he be laughed out of the building as a total hack?

The human race is doomed if we're stuck in a rut, remaking everything from movies, tv, songs, cars, movies into musicals, musicals into movies, tv into movies, movies into tv, etc. It's pretty sad that a small handful of artists are out there doing anything innovative and new. Remaking movies is a really lazy way to make a quick buck. It's boring, unnecessary, and shameful.

If you don't agree with me, I don't care.



I, for one, would agree with you. Honestly people, we need some originality!

I am EL Bounco
Poon you I shall.


Same here... Remake suck major balls... expecilly remake of the remake *khmmm*upcoming THE THING remake *khmm*

Born free, Live free...


I have a really great idea for Hollywood (and IMDb posters)... how about making some NEW MOVIES. Yes, I said it.

Amen! They could do it in the thirties and forties, but they can't do it now? What are the creative people being paid for?

But I shall stay the way I am,
Because I do not give a damn.


They could re-make it. But it would probably be WORSE!


Remake would be WORSE! TRUE!!! I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type!!!


They're remaking Plan 9 from Outer Space. This could be remade. The premise wasn't bad at all.


Where did you hear that they were re-making plan 9??? I hope they don't screw it up like most other re-makes do. who is directing it?? when is it scheduled for release??


They're remaking Plan 9?
That boosts optimism for a Manos remake.

A remake is Hollywood's way of a lazy sequel, unless Tim Burton does it


Nah, Hollywood remakes only good movies.


Hollywood remakes everything.


I don't think there's any way for Hollywood to do justice to this movie. It's an awesomely bad movie that ranks up there with Plan 9. Just say no to a remake.



Put Michael Bay in charge and give him an unlimited special effects budget to spend on a CGI gorilla suit and diving helmet and on unnecessary 3-D.
That might work.


Wasn't there an Outer Limits episode similar to this?

As for a remake? I like the concept but I doubt you can make a good alien invasion/End-of-the-World film in today's Hollywood. Instead of having a hilariously awful cult gem, you'd be left with a bland action film that will be forgotten in three months time.
