scene missing

I originally saw this film on a local television station in the mid-1980s and recall a scene which did not appear in my copy of Image's VHS release. I have to wonder if Image used a different print for their DVD transfer. The scene is even mentioned in the book GOLDEN TURKEY AWARDS so I know my recalling the scene is fact.

The scene I am referring to occurs about two-thirds of the way through the film and lasts all of about 30 seconds. It's where Ro-Man is walking down a hillside and encounters some bushes blocking his path and then violently attacks the obstruction and continues on his way. I regard this as the goofiest and funniest scene in the film and would like to add a DVD to my collection with this scene intact.

So, can someone out there who has viewed different DVD releases please let me know which one/s have this missing footage?
