Haunting scene...

I grew up watching this film so many times as a kid and now that I'm re-watching it in college I'm realizing how poignant it truly is (much better than the 1997 version), this story is so much better and a lot more of a tearjerker in my opinion. Specifically, I wanted to ask anyone how they felt about a certain scene. When the ship's band starts playing "Londonderry Air", and then subsequently the boilers explode, some of the windows smash from the shock of the bang, and the music stops so suddenly, the look on Julia's face when she looks up at the ship getting destroyed is haunting. It's like the beauty of the song just being stopped so abruptly by an explosion that sends the ship lurching forward even further is a metaphor for the whole situation in general (Life being stopped abruptly in such a chilling way).


I love that scene when they play Londonderry Air prompting Julia to slowly turn and look back at the ship. It's a wonderful scene. She doesn't say a thing but her face speaks volumes.

Before that there is another great scene of Julia in the lifeboat when she's handed Norman's gloves. The way she looks at them and then at the ship (with the siren blaring) and cries, 'Norman. Oh, my little boy'. Touching.
