MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1953) Discussion > Mr Sturgess relationship with steerage p...

Mr Sturgess relationship with steerage passenger

I caught this film about two thirds of the way through and had to watch it as the acting and special effecst were fantastic. But I didn't understand the relationship between Mr Sturgess and the steerage passenger who was signing paperwork for him, I think she was the one he made get on the life boat at the end. What was all that about with the paperwork?


I've always assumed they were papers for entering the US, or papers for something to do with the money he gave the husband to buy his 100 acres.


She said something to the effect that he as head of the family -at least for the time being, as he had taken the place of her husband, who had bought the ticket from- should he signing the papers. I assumed they were some sort of immigration documents as well.

It's a telling scene since he denies any responsibility as acting head of her family. Yet, later on, when the ship is sinking, he assumes that position and gets her and the children safely into a lifeboat.

It was to show that despite his aloof facade, he did think of people and wouldn't leave someone behind.


I didn't understand a few things and assume some items hit the cutting room floor. Having her sign the documents without any explanation (while it can be assumed they were immigration documents) made for an unnecessarily confusing scene. Also, the young people dancing happily. Then it's the next day and she's saying she's sorry she ran out because they were doing some dance she didn't know. Where did that come from? I thought I missed a scene somewhere. And finally, having him land in the lifeboat at the end but never regain consciousness. With the blood on his head, you don't know if he lives or not. While I kind of like this, I would expect from the time period that they would show his outcome so I felt like I missed something again.


I cant specifically answer the first question, but the second part is explained in their conversation..she danced with him 3 times then bolted when the fast song started. No need to actually see it. Robert Wagner is shown again-rowing with the others and his head is bandaged.


The second part was explained in the conversation, but the way it was explained made me feel like I missed something. A bit too much exposition. And I didn't see Wagner rowing. I DID miss something after all! Thanks for letting me know.


You actually see Wagner twice after he's pulled from the water. The first time, he's sitting up in the lifeboat with a bandage on his head and a blanket around him, being tended to -by lantern light- by another passenger. The next time is when you see him rowing later -presumably recovered enough by now to assist.
