MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1953) Discussion > I'm watching this for the first time rig...

I'm watching this for the first time right now, and...

...this version is SO underrated. I'm crying my eyes out. The 1997 version, was good, but too drawn out. (Yes, I know the REAL Titanic disaster was unfathomable,)but I like the way this shows how people still might have maintained grace and dignity. The part where the band is playing "Danny Boy, and Nearer my God to Thee," choked me up!


This film is a mature rendering . . . the 1997 movie is too teenage . . .


Here, hgmh, we agree 100%. I'm glad someone else applies the word "teenage" to the '97 nonsense. Something for addle-brained teenagers who know nothing but like one-dimensional stories with gooey lovers and cartoon villains. Fantastic visuals, but the characters are moronic and the script dreadful. The '53 has many shortcomings but it is at least geared to adults.

The comparison is apt also because there are some similarities in the plots of the two Titanics.


I think this film is far superior to the 1997 version. In fact, every other version is better than James Cameron's nonsense, even the Nazi one from the 1940s. What I am curious about is, if you were watching the film 'right now', and enjoying it, why did you feel the need to jump onto IMDb and tell everybody while you were watching it rather than waiting until it was over?


Cameron's version is cinematic junk . . . however, everyone out there, be grateful . . . nobody in the cast of that awful '97 production won an award, and it didn't win the critically important screenplay award (how could it?) . . .


The 1958 version ' A Night To Remember ' is far better...although it pinched some of the model work and sinking scenes from the Nazi version as the Germans had filmed it so well.
