MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1953) Discussion > I just saw it on the TV...

I just saw it on the TV...

...and it wasnt bad but it ended way too quickly. An explosion comes out of no where and then the ship just sinks! I think the new Titanic was a bit better. This one wasn't bad though. 7/10

Last movie seen: Die Hard 4.0 = 8.5/10


That's exactly what I thought. I flipped the channel over and they were all singing, then suddenly in the space of 30 seconds: BOOM! *Sinks* Short voiceover The End. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Daniel, we're all VERY proud!" :Little Sean, George, Roger, Pierce and Tiny Tim


The one--AND ONLY--time I watched this film I found the interaction between Webb and Stanwyck very interesting, but the hurried way in which the ship strikes the berg and sinks in a matter of mere minutes was most INFURIATING.
Whatever other qualities it may have, as a proper depiction of the Titanic disaster this potboiler is just that: an UNMITIGATED DISASTER.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)

