Question on Scene

I have seen all of the Titanic films at one point in time or another.

They kind of all mash together in my memory.

There is one particular scene that I do not remember which Titanic movie it was in but it has stayed with me ever since I saw it.

The scene was in one of the older Titanic movies, this I am sure of.

The ship is in the process of sinking and there is a little boy crying and scared and then is this old man holds him.

After the old man begins to hold him there is a wide shot and the ship is doing the main plunge or something of that sort.

It is all dark and people are screaming.

It was so terrifying.

Could someone please tell me which movie this was in?


Its from "A Night To Remember". There is also a sad scene in S.O.S. Titanic where a baby is sitting in a puddle of water in a hallway-oblivious to whats about to happen.


It's from "A Night To Remember". The older man is a steward who finds the little boy lost and crying "I can't find my Mummy". The steward (who knows that they're all about to die) comforts the boy by saying "Come along with me, we'll find your Mummy" and then holds onto him and keeps him from being scared up to the end.

Crying? I'm not crying. I have allergies, dammit!
