Deleted Scenes

I read somewhere that there were actually some deleted scenes from this film during the sinking that were later used in an episode of Voyager. Now, I've never even seen any episodes of Voyager, but I remember seeing a documentary a really long time ago that had some black and white footage of the grand staircase being flooded. The staircase that I'm speaking of looked remarkably like the one from this film (plain steel rail going up the center, abnormally large pineapples on the knoll posts, all in what appeared to be silver). So I was just wondering if anybody had any information on what these deleted scenes actually contained, and if the documentary footage I've already described could have been part of it. Thanks!

"Don't *beep* with me, fellas!" -- Mommie Dearest


The deleted scenes were of the iceberg popping out of the water (used in the Voyagers credits)and the footage from the bridge point-of-view approaching the berg, and the underwater shot of the iceberg slicing into the hull. They mostly used footage from the unseen prologue of "Raise The Titanic" I have a page on my website about it:


Actually, I think it was your website where I first read about the Voyager scenes. Cool. Very interesting stuff there. Do you by any chance know anything about the documentary footage (B&W grand staircase flooding) I mentioned above?

"Don't *beep* with me, fellas!" -- Mommie Dearest
