
My film professor claims the George Lucas got the name Yoda from Yoshikata Yoda, the screenwriter for this film. I haven't seen any evidence to support this, though.

Quit answering my sig.


Who cares where George Lucas got the name Yoda? The man is an imbecile and his films are garbage.

If you disagree, I recommend crawling to the toilet and plunging a fresh stool in your mouth-- A fresh, stinking turd, mind you, not some stunted dingleberry. If you truly have a taste for the works of George Lucas, even excrement will prove exquisite.


Don't hold back, now. Tell us what you really feel.


u ok


In the press conference in Japan in 1999,
the question was asked to Lucas himself.

He replied "No."

Shigesato Itoi, who asked the question,
later wrote that Lucas might not want to harm the image of Yoda
by admitting the link to the Japanese screenwriter.

But he also wrote "The Yoda's creator said no. So that's the way we should think about it."


(In a Yoda voice) Name from Yoshikata, he did not.
