Confusing codenames

Ignoring the codename *beep* (which was the signal for a breach of the Mohne Dam), I am confused by two other code-words:

Everyone seems to have the idea that the whole mission was "Operation Chastise", but if you read the book "The Dam Busters" by Paul Brickhill, on which the film was based, the book says that the original name for the project was "Downwood". This is quoted in Mr. Brickhill's fine book in a conversation between Dr. Barnes Wallis and Cdr. Guy Gibson, during early planning conversations.

Any suggestions ?


Right, okay...
The codeword *beep* was for a breach in the Mohne Dam.
The codeword 'Dinghy' was for a breach in the Eder Dam.
The codeword 'Goner' was for a successful drop but no breach.

The name of the operation was 'Chastise'. Maybe it was initially called 'Downwood', but if you read John Sweetman's book (today's foremost authority on it) it is refered to throughout as Chastise.

"It is better to die once, than to live in constant fear of death."


the book says that the original name for the project was "Downwood".

I think the idea of destoying the dams was "Downwood"

They did think of more than one method including wallis's earthquake bomb. "Chastise" was the codemane for using a bouncing bomb. "Upkeep" was the bomb itself.

Operation "Chastise" was used to achive "Downwood".


what was the codeword it seems to keep getting 'beeped' out!


The code word that keeps getting beeped out is the same as the name of Gibson's dog. It is the now offensive word beginning with N that was once used for people of African origin. Obviously, I can't actually say the word, it will only get beeped out!

"You made me miss!I've never missed that board before".


Just to clarify - the codeword to be transmitted when the Mohne dam was successfully breached .... the word began with "N" and it rhymed with "bigger". It happened to be the name of Gibson's dog who, according to Paul Brickhill's book, had been run over and killed by a passing motorist the day before. The dog was due to be buried at midnight back at the RAF base - again, according to Brickhill, Guy Gibson asked specifically for the Labrador to be buried at midnight because he thought there was a fair chance that he (Gibson) and the dog would both be going to ground at the same time.


I'm not sure why you keep saying 'according to Brickhill' - if you read Enemy Coast Ahead, written by Gibson himself, it is all detailed in there.


Unfortunatly Wing Commander Gibson`s book is a very rare sight in second hand bookshops these days never mind your high street ones. So very few people have read it.

Mein Fuhrer I Can Walk !



Enemy coast ahead is handicapped since it was written during WWII & Gibson had to be very guarded as the bomb was a secret.

Working from memory, the original anti-dam bomb designed by Barnes-Wallace was a 10 ton camoflet (earthquake) bomb but the lancasters couldn't carry that weight that far, at that time, but the operation to attack the dams, by any means, was 'Downwood' & the element of the attack that was the bouncing bomb was 'Chastise'.

As to the name of the dog, at that time the word, in the UK, was not a perjorative term, it was in the states & subsequently the term became perjorative here.

Do you want to water down the truth from history to avoid offence or tell it as it happened.

you can't get the wood you know


I find it quite funny that that word is actually latin for black

Just like when Americans call a russian a Ruski as an insult. The funny thing being that Ruski is russian for wait for it russian, that's right they call russians russians


Enemy Coast Ahead has been reprinted - in its original format, N-word included. You can order it from Amazon UK:

That's the copy I have.



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