MovieChat Forums > The Dam Busters (1955) Discussion > Unbelievable- re the dog's name in the r...

Unbelievable- re the dog's name in the re-make

I checked the quote in the New Zealand article linked in the post below and the New Zealand paper quotes the UK paper accurately:

Sir David Frost has finally resolved the dilemma over the name of RAF hero Guy Gibson's dog in the multimillion-pound remake of the Dambusters.

Fearing the dog's original name N***** [my edit, they used the word in the paper!] would cause mayhem in the politically correct U.S. market, Sir David, executive producer on the film which goes into production later this year, asked scriptwriter Stephen Fry to come up with an alternative.

But at a Lord's Taverners lunch yesterday, Sir David tells me that he rejected Fry's suggestions. 'Guy sometimes used to call his dog Nigsy, so I think that's what we will call it. Stephen has been coming up with other names but this is the one I want.' akes-eye-ball.html

I take it some UK papers are very unreliable, hopefully this is one of them. Why offend people and court controversy over a DOG's name???
the politically correct U.S. market

That's insulting. Yeah, Americans are "politcally correct" for objecting to the use of the world's biggest ethnic slur, that has been considered so globally forever! Considering its the name for a DOG, just adds a little extra denigration. But they can't really change the DOG's name.... Get a clue David Frost. I'd post this on the imdb site for the re-make but there isn't one, maybe for a reason.



Some people should get a life! The dog was a big, black labrador for *beep* sake! It was called *beep* live with it!


The best thing they can do is just not mention the name. Just have him saying "come here boy". there's no real need to mention it seeing as it will cause offense.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!



It was also used as a code word on the mission, "come here boy" won't have the same ring to it...

True but they still might get away with not using it.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!


All that does is fuels the fire of PC - and suggests the word never be mentioned again.


Since forever??

Try 50-60 years...


There's a very simple way around this, I'm amazed no one has mentioned it...

Simply have Guy Gibson played by a young black American actor. They you can have him using the n word as much as you want!

Problem solved.


I wonder what Will Smith's doing? He's already got the flight experience from 'Independence Day'.
