remake, iconic music

Do you think the remake will have The Dam Busters theme? Or will they make something else up?

I can't see them making it without the theme music, but I hope they only use it for the actual attack, and maybe, the main theme track.

To die is to live, to live is to die


Saw Stephen Fry interviewed recently - he said how Peter Jackson wanted to use him as main scriptwriter for the Dambusters remake, but Fry being too busy doing a cameo appearance on tv show Bones sadly made him unavailable. Fry did hint though that the infamous dog name wouldn't be appearing in the re-make, and that a new theme tune might be on the cards too.

(I don't mind the doggy name being re-written, but losing The Dambusters March entirely in the re-make would be a tragedy..)


All I can say is thank God they're keeping it British. The last thing they need is another Wicker man incident

"Welcome my son, welcome to the machine"


Are you saying that the Yanks aren't flying Flying Fortresses through a blockade of a thousand Focke Wulf fighters and blowing up the dams with atom bombs?

To die is to live, to live is to die


Yes, with Michael Bay directing and Nicolas Cage as the squadron leader, hee hee.



I hate remakes normally, but seeing a film like this with todays technology and acting talent might make me change my opinion! As long as it is kept as close to the original as possible, and with that glorious music!

Although Hollywood is not really known for doing remakes close to the original.


The problem is that keeping it close to the original will mean it won't be popular. That kind of film just isn't made now. It's going to be full of subplots and stupid crap and GAAAARGH why even bother?!
