The thing I loved....

....the setting! It was great! It was almost like you were watching from the window with Stewart. Each character in the small complex were perfect. Hard to explain I just really loved the setting of the film and how all of it takes place in the one room!


At the time, it was the largest indoor set ever at Paramount. I know it was common practice to destroy the sets after they were used (in fact, the courtyard set was demolished before the scenes in Jeff's apartment were filmed), what I wouldn't give to tour that set!


Interesting. And it didn't really feel like a set. Especially with the small view of the road and bar. It was just a really cool element. Also with almost the entire film shot from his apartment it was just very clever.


I agree, james. Hadn't seen it in a long time and watched it last night on Netflix. Once again, it hooked me right from the start until the very end. Not a dull moment in my opinion.

What's great about RW is that it's a dialogue driven movie that's also very visual. The way Hitch moves the camera, the POV shots, the editing...fantastic.

My favorite shot is when we see Miss Lonelyhearts looking out her window while Lisa is looking out Thorwald's. At the same time, we see Thorwald coming down the hallway to his apartment. Chilling.


Yeah for sure. The film relied heavily on the actors and the way it was shot to keep the tension. I've yet to see Vertigo but its on the list.
