We're having a heat wave

...a tropical heat wave. Fun. Love MM.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


".....the DEEP South....!!

Really, I don't know how this number passed the censors.


Well it's not like she's grabbing her crotch while singing it. It's not so obvious, only if you think that way.


It's pretty obvious, and the number was considered quite vulgar at the time. Even today, it's...obvious. (She humps the tree, throws the flamenco skirt between her legs and BUMPS. Also, it's an unattractive costume, it catches her body in all the wrong places. Somehow, not looking her best, makes the proceedings even more vulgar.)


I really have to disagree with you about the costume. I thought it showed her off very well, and she utilized it to full advantage during the number. Plus, I don't think that sexy is necessarily vulgar.

We provide ... Leverage.


I quite agree, Marilyn looked sensational, to coin a phrase. She looked great in that Carmin Miranda costume. I especially liked the headress, it framed her beautiful face perfectly. Marilyn's husband Joe DiMaggio, ever the downer was annoyed at the Heat Wave number and suggested to Marilyn she should be a more dignified actress like Ethel Merman. I mean, can you imagine? Who remembers Ethel now? Marilyn should have suggested to Joe he should have played ball in Japan, and maybe it would have been better never to have gotten those 56 hits. He was such an idiot, yet idolized her for who she was, not for who he wanted her to be.


My favorite remark was MM to a friend, after Joe visited the "No Business..." set.

She said, "Who did he think he married, when he married me?"

Billy Wilder put it best: "Joe DiMaggio divorced her because he found out she was Marilyn Monroe. Arthur Miller divorced her because he found out she wasn't Marilyn Monroe!"

Still, between the two, I think Joe really did love her. Miller? Not so much.

Oh, it's on now, gorgeous color. And I love MM's vocals.


I've seen a interview where Miller talked about Monroe, and I think it's clear that he was in love with her. However, like DiMaggio, he just couldn't handle being her husband. The fact that unlike DiMaggio, Miller was able to move on when it didn't work out, doesn't mean that he didn't love her.

We provide ... Leverage.


I remember Ethel Merman as I'm sure many people do. She was Broadway.


...hot and humid nights can be expected!


i'd like to have a hot and humid night with MM myself

so many movies, so little time
