MovieChat Forums > There's No Business Like Show Business (1955) Discussion > Where was Tim Donahue when he was missin...

Where was Tim Donahue when he was missing for a year

Here is a factor. The reason Tim ran away was because he was very upset in the way that Vicky had hurt him after a few rehearsals of Manhattan Parade. How could he have been jealous of Lou Harris when he was her producer, nothing went on between him and Vicky except disagreements on a dress and other things relevant to the act.

Tim was hurt so he took that other chorus girl for a ride in the car up to White Plains to forget, that is forget about Vicky. Then his father goes to the hospital to see him and yes he is banged up from that car accident after driving drunk when I thought there was a DWI law against drinking alot then driving less than an hour after two heavy drinks. Did he have to drink with that chorus girl when he was upset and yes she was another fish in the sea when Vicky hurt him in a million ways but he could have had a good time with her and gotten the affection he wanted from Vicky without the crazy drinking.

Plus if his father Terry loved him why did he criticize him about being a nothing and then slap his face using the words corn and ham. I don't mean food they are slang show business terms for very bad performances and acts like corny means lousy. He ran away on account of Vicky first then his Dad.

Plus when he was missing for over a year, why did his father want to find him when he told him at the hospital in a sarcastic way, "I hope I never see you again"

Plus where was he for a whole year if detectives couldn't find him? How did he survive? What did he do for money and if he worked with a different name was it somewhere on the west coast. In the movie they should have extended it saying where Tim was and what he did for a year and what did he do for money and shelter and did he have other relationships or dates during that time?

Plus this is so confusing when Molly was in that room with Vicky, how come Vicky said she loved Tim Donahue if she scared him into that bangup and missing for a year and why did Katie say it was Tims fault instead of Vickys?

When Tim returned after that years abscence were Tim and Vicky back together again?


I am trying to decide whether or not I should answer this post or not as the answers are quite obvious. I am not sure whether you are a naive 12 year-old or whether you were drunk when you watched this show and didn't pay attention.

Tim had no dispute with Vicky regarding the rehearsals. She was in Harris' office for three hours while Tim was waiting for her at the restaurant having before dinner cocktails until dinner didn't happen. Being plastered he could allow assume the worst when Vicky never showed up and he never let her get a word in edgewise. It may have been obvious to the viewer that the tete-a-tete between Vicky and Harris was strictly about the show, but Tim had no way of knowing that.

This show was let in the early 1940's and was produced in the 1950's. DWI didn't have the legal or social stigmatism that it has today until around 1980 with the activism and propaganda of MADD. Prior to that is was more or less a moving violation. (Which makes the bruhaha regarding GWB's DUI charge in the 1970's so ridiculous and short-sighted, trying to jugde a 1975 action on 2000 standards. Just goes to demonstrate the short attention span of the general public)

Terry overreacted out of anger and embarrassment in the hospital because of the disappointment over a perfomer missing a show, particularly opening night.

Prior to 1986, when Simpson-mazzoli was inacted, it was not necessary as it is today to have proof of identity because there was not so much paperwork involved with employment. There was no issue of finding employment under an assumed name, especially with the outbreak of WWII and the labor shortage. Nevertheless in the final scene, he shows up in a Navy uniform, so it is quite likely that at least part of the time he was in San Diego for boot camp, and that he was on leave prior to deployment the same as his brother.

As far as Vicky and Molly, Molly assumed that Tim was brokenhearted because Vicky was sleeping around, when in fact it was only Tim's imagination. Vicky had done nothing to hurt Tim, he had misjudged her and assumed the worst, which was untrue


Yes you were right that Tim had no way of knowing that all that went on in Vickys office was disagreements she had with Lou Harris about the dress and other things but, Tim was at that restaurant anxiously waiting for her for at least 3 hours but she showed up a million hours late. As said in Mollys dressing room, after Tim was missing, Vicky said she tried to tell Tim that nothing was going on with her and Harris but Tim had a big problem which was partially inherited from Molly his Mom that is genes of stubborness. Yes Vicky tried to tell him but Tim with his stubborness problem wouldn't let her and Katie said to her Mom that is what Vicky told her.

If Tim had listened that evening when he was playing radio broadcast then he would have had dinner with Vicky the next night the love would have been back, he would have made it to that Manhattan Parade show and he wouldn't have taken that car and got banged up and ran away for a year doing shows alias other names and hiding at the Naval Bases in the Navy in San Diego.

Yes you were right in when Tim was missing for year, he had savings of his own from previous shows he did so he was able to afford rooms for rent and motels at low 1 to 5 dollar prices mostly bed and breakfast places. Plus yes as he was going cross country he was able to work under other names because computers and identification wasn't needed in getting jobs back then and especially in 1940 to 1942 when the Great Depression ended and World War 2 began. So Tim did on the road performances as he traveled by coach and train cross country and did it in different names and detectives didn't use computers back then to trace where people were. Then he did performances in California under other names too then like you said he did performances in San Diego in the navy and he returned when he was done there but he did it to work things out himself.

Plus yes I know I asked you were Tim and Vicky back together again and there are two ways of reading between lines I can tell and that is, first of what Vicky said to Molly in the dressing room of "I love Tim" Then at the ending of the movie when the whole group was singing the finale of No Business Like Show Business the way Vicky and Tim were giving affection on the arms in what I saw so yes their relationship was back together again. They might have hugged before that scene but they didn't show it at all.


I would like to add that it was implied by Harris to his co-workers that he was intending to marry Vicky or that they had an arrangement. This is evident in the scene between Charlie and Harris during the song 'Lazy' where Charlie says 'I'm going to marry that girl' and Harris looks at him with a worried facial expression. Charlie reassures him that he means 'young Donahue' and Harris visibly relaxes. After the 'Lazy' number you see Harris put his hand on Vicky's shoulder which is seen from across the room by Tim who looks at them suspiciously.

Also if we are making assumptions, it was a Broadway show of course people are going to gossip therefore it is credible to think that Tim may have heard rumours regarding the two. Further fuel is added to the fire when he sees' Harris casually place his hand on her shoulder without her saying anything or giving him the brush off, what's he going to think.

At the end you see him in his Navy uniform therefore you assume he had joined the navy. In the flashback when his parents are looking for him at the club you see his brother in an army uniform as well as others. Not long after he disappeared the war had started and so the majority of the year he was missing; he would have been training or possibly at war. Therefore the navy would supply his bed and board.

When his mother is getting dressed Tim's brother Steve comes and says he has a 24 hour pass and so did his whole his whole regiment. So it is plausible that even though Tim is in the navy that if he were based there at the same time, that he would get a 24 hr pass too.

"The only Abnormality is the incapacity to love"


i would like to add that it was implied by Harris to his co-workers that he was intending to marry vicky or have her in some relationship way. this is evident in the scene between charlie and harris during the song lazy where Charlie says 'i'm going to marry that girl' and harris looks at him worried and Charlie tells him he means 'young Donahue' and Harris relaxes. after the lazy number you see Harris put his hand on Vicky's shoulder which is seen from Tim's perspective.
I don't think so. There is no hint in the movie about Harris' intentions on Vicky, although she admits in the end he MIGHT.
His relief in that scene is probably because a new sensation star like Marilyn/Vicky would rely a lot on being single, being a viable fantasy to the male public, and a lot of that appeal would be lost if she were to marry.



This show was let in the early 1940's and was produced in the 1950's. DWI didn't have the legal or social stigmatism that it has today until around 1980 with the activism and propaganda of MADD. Prior to that is was more or less a moving violation. (Which makes the bruhaha regarding GWB's DUI charge in the 1970's so ridiculous and short-sighted, trying to jugde a 1975 action on 2000 standards. Just goes to demonstrate the short attention span of the general public)

What!? Drunk driving may have been more socially acceptable back then, but it still got people killed--it sure as hell didn't make any less damn dangerous---you make it sound like it's no big deal--which it is when it usually ends in someone getting hurt or in the hospital. And if memory serves me correct, MADD was actually started by a woman whose pre-teen daughter was killed by a drunk driver--it didn't have a damn thing to do with propaganda--it had to do with addressing a serious problems on our streets and freeways.


O'Connor was too old for this part. He was badly miscast.


He said he wasn't driving; the chorus girl took the wheel because Tim was so drunk.


It was set in the early 1940s and he turned up at the theatre in a USN uniform.

It was pretty obvious he was fighting in World War II.
