Favorite Number

What is your favorite number? I have a hard time picking but my favorite has to be Mandy, that number has some of the best dancing I have ever seen on film. But I also have a soft spot for Sisters and the finale of White Christmas.



My favorite is Snow. Void of dancing, but gives me a good feeling for some reason.


I adore all four in this movie. That's so impossible with the very talented cast and amazing scenes.


Definitely snow. I wanna wash my hair, my hands, my balls with snow. SNOW!


In the 2025 remake, actor playing Betty will actually have balls...


I liked the song the two sisters were singing and performing, where the last lines are:

Lord help the Mister, who comes between me and my sister,
and Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man!

But it's super-funny when the two ladies couldn't make it to one of their performances, and the two gentlemen (who were interested in them) stood in for them, complete with gigantic blue fans and blue bows on their heads (no dresses) and lip-synced a recorded version of their song. It was too funny for words.

Here's the original song and dance number, where the pretty sisters in blue are performing:

Here's the funny scene where the two guys were....filling in for them:


The blessings number. As Wallace would say.


Bob and Phil’s (or should I say Bing and Danny’s? Danny cracks me up and I have a feeling that what he did wasn’t scripted) performance of Sisters, Love You Didn’t Do Right By Me, and the White Christmas finale.
