MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Were the train tickets transferable, and...

Were the train tickets transferable, and how could they go to Vermont?

How did the girls use the train tickets to go to Vermont? First of all, were the tickets not specific to any one person back then? And how, if Bob and Phil's tickets were not for Vermont, did the girls catch a train to Vermont anyway?


Back then most people bought their tickets with cash. You didn't have to give personal info. Since the price for going to Vermont was the same as NY the girls could use them. Even if it wasn't they & the guys could have simply given the conductor the difference.

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


I love this movie and have often thought the same thing. But also what bothers me is that the ticket taker told Bob and Phil that every space was occupied. So how did the girls end up in berths? Did Bob and Phil take back their compartment? Also, Phil didn't know that they were actually going to Vermont until the bar car scene. So how was he able to pack an electric blanket and long underwear? Minor plot holes but otherwise an excellent movie.


I think we all could list of bunch of these.....

I'd like to know where Phil got the big coat he had on when he got off the train. For that matter why did even he have it on? It wasn't cold on the train and once they pulled into the station it was unseasonably warm.

Betty left Vermont hours less than a day after assuming Bob was going to put the General on tv. She came back minutes before the surprise was revealed so how did she know the 'Gee! I Wish I Was Back in the Army" song & the routine as they performed it?

With all of the General's men flooding into Vermont from all over NE how did she book a ticket to get back so quick? (lol)

Just because the inn lacked guests that wouldn't stop people from traveling there and other parts of NE for the Christmas/New Year holidays so his troops & their family members being able to get train tickets for Christmas Eve twas still......(lol)

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


Well, this is a musical comedy, so, the plot points and devices shouldn't be poked at too hard, else they'll tear, but, I figured that they must have had enough of a layover in NYC for Phil to run right across 7 Av., over to Macy's or Gimbel's or very possibly find a vendor right there in the Penn Station arcade that would sell him the electric blanket, long underwear and Nanook of the North outerwear.

The train from Florida was Bob and Phil's way of getting to NYC. Phil gave the girls his and Bob's tickets. I'm assuming they had to change trains in NYC to get to Vermont. We are shown an indication suggesting this by the two different trains shown between the Club Car "Snow" musical number scene and their arrival in Pine Tree, Vt.


As the train exterior shown that they all board in Florida is different from the one they exit in Vermont, it is implied that they changed trains at least once, hence the difference in sleeping arrangements. The men could have arranged for their luggage to meet them in New York, or they purchased winter clothing at one of the stops. The arrival in Vermont is not the next morning from the "Snow" routine in the club car.


I know someone who lives in Burlington. If she could take a train south she would and she never has. Overall getting to a place like Vt --even in the 21st Century-- is very difficult.

Kisskiss, Bangbang


Nope, train tickets were not specific to any one person back then. You could just walk up to the ticket window, say where you wanted to go, pass over the money and you got the ticket.

I would assume that Betty and Judy could have paid a bit extra to continue on to Vermont. Plus, they had their original tickets which they could have cashed in to help with the difference.
