MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Very Little To Do With Christmas

Very Little To Do With Christmas

Hardly Christmas Themed. The only plot points that deal with the Holiday is the fact that the General's Show is one the eve of Xmas and that they sing 'White Christmas' at the end but otherwise it's hard to associate this film with anything 'Merry'. Almost feels like they did that just to cash in on the name of Christmas but that may be my cynical side showing.

Yours Truly


Actually, I think the movie was made to cash in on the popularity of the song *White Christmas* which was originally in the earlier movie, *Holiday Inn*. They wrote a story (lack of snow at a Vermont ski lodge) to fit around the beloved song.


You mean Bing didn't tell the manger legend of a virgin birth to a group of kids?
Thankfully it was a romp with emphasis on the talents of the cast.

Kisskiss, Bangbang



When one learns the history of the song, and its importance to those who served in WWII and how often it was requested when Bing visited the troops and on AFRS programs like "Command Performance," the title aptly describes this movie, which traces the servicemen who went from the dream of returning to the familiar American idyll to the dream realized.

The movie isn't about the holiday, it's about the song.



Interesting. Is one required to understand the history of the song and Crosby's performances to "get" it?

Please keep in mind, this movie was made for 1954 audiences who lived through that history and it would have been automatically understood.

Sure, the movie can be enjoyed today on several levels, but yes, it helps considerably to know the history of the song to understand why the movie itself seems to have "Very Little To Do With Christmas," as this thread is named. Knowing the historical context of this, or any vintage movie, makes for a richer experience, IMO.


Let's call it a "diverse" story with a Christmas title.


In addition to the song's history, this film has everything to do with the Christmas spirit. It's all about love, kindness, and helping others.


I agree with Klutzy Girl who said this film has everything to do with the Christmas spirit. It's all about love, kindness, and helping others. I remember my Dad saiying something similar to this when we would catch it on tv in December when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s (long before vcrs and dvds).


So what?
