MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Should Emma have been jailed?

Should Emma have been jailed?

Listening to other people's phone conversation is not only eavesdropping, it's a misdemeanor crime which falls under the heading of "criminal mischief." Given the housekeeper, Emma Allen, was the cause of the misunderstanding between Bob and Betty, would a quick trip to the local sheriff to report this crime have been the order of the day once the couple settled their affairs? Let's also not forget that Miss Allen tampered with US mail, opening other people's letters with steam, and that's a Federal offense.


"Whoever steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein which has been left for collection upon or adjacent to a collection box or other authorized depository of mail matter; or

Whoever buys, receives, or conceals, or unlawfully has in his possession, any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein, which has been so stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted, as herein described, knowing the same to have been stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."


I always thought it was highly unprofessional of her to mention General Waverly's financial business to everyone. Even if she knew the financial condition of General Waverly and his inn, it was none of her business to go telling everyone about it. That would get anyone fired today. And probably sued!


It was a small town in an era where people knew about each other.


No, just slapped silly, along with Rosemary Clooney for overreacting to what Emma told her.


I guess all this crazy stuff had to happen the way it did to make this great movie.


Like Alfred Hitchcock once said:

"It's only a movie!"


Lighten up Francis!


Judas Priest.
