Anne Whitfield: 'Susan'

Has anyone ever noticed what a beautiful young lady "Susan" is? the actress Anne Whitfield portrays Susan, the granddaughter of General Waverly. What a lovely young woman! I was only about a year old when this movie was released. I am a 59 year old-soon to be 60-never married male. I wish I could have found someone like Susan!


It's not too late, you know. Just get out there.


Bit odd. A 60 year old man craving the teenager in the film.

But then again, she is the only one in the cast that's still alive.


He's a perv because he found a woman beautiful? K...

Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


To each their own, I guess.


Barrie Chase (Doris) is still alive.


To dgates64: I never said I "craved" her as you stated. Don't turn it into a perverted, sexual thing, that is not what I meant at all! I just said that I thought she was a beautiful girl. I meant not only pretty but I also appreciated the sweet personality she portrayed in her part of "Susan." The expression on her face when her "Grandfather" comes down the stairs in his military uniform is one of true, familial love and respect. She didn't have to say a word, her expression said it all-very well acted! Also, please note that in my original post I said "I wish I COULD HAVE FOUND SOMEONE LIKE SUSAN." "Could have found" means PAST TENSE. In other words that means I wish I COULD HAVE found someone like "Susan" for a life partner WHEN I WAS YOUNGER! Get your mind out of the gutter please!


Good reply. You were just trying to point out how much Anne Whitfield contributed the movie.


"Bit odd. A 60 year old man craving the teenager in the film."

This obsession about condemning adults for noticing young people is a recent, stupid phenomenon. The guy just made an observation that she was a beautiful young lady.


You're basing your judgment on her acting in this movie.

Just remember: Miley Cyrus started out as "Hannah Montana."

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"
