WC vs HI

I recently watched both and I thought it is ironic that Holiday Inn feels more like a Christmas film than White Christmas even though WC has Christmas in the title.


I like Holiday Inn better than White Christmas. I like all the songs in Holiday Inn. There are some great moments, such as Fred Astairs "drunk dance". I like when the sleigh driver gets a car and has trouble driving, Bing says "this thing can go forward and back but not side to side". I like when Bing gives Fred the jar of preserves and Fred said " This stuff is great on....or even plain".I like Fred's firecracker dance too.


His is a big debate in my family-we're split about half and half between the two movies. I personally adore them both, but I prefer Holiday Inn.


WC the movie was written because of the huge hit Bing had with the song. The plot is almost irrelevant and doesn't hold up logically. All that matters are the flashy production numbers and performances by the talented cast. I'd have liked to see more solos by RC, one of the best singers of the American Songbook.


I like both equally....especially since the beautiful Colorized version of Holiday Inn....it's exquisite, honestly.
The only thing is, is that somehow I prefer Danny Kaye to Fred Astaire. Somehow he has a more comedic charm than Fred. No question Fred is extremely talented as a dancer but he's a little more rough around the edges as a comedian.....just my opinion of course.
