MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Sad there will never be movies like this...

Sad there will never be movies like this again

I am 57 and remember watching this growing up. I watch it every year -- most years. Love, love, love it. I am just sad for our culture that will never experience this type of movie again. It is a treasure.


catlover11, your post reminds me of this excellent review of the movie. ke_8051.html

For the record, I agree with both of you!



I picked up on it very young. I didn't even have that much knowledge of the cast and still liked it. Part of it was being amazed at VE and liking Kaye a lot but maybe never seeing him in anything else -- who was this guy?

Kisskiss, Bangbang


No there will never be movies like this again. I am just happy that we have the classics to enjoy, when we want to enjoy these type of movies.


I'm 56, and the child of parents who were part of this "greatest" generation. I love this movie not only for the story, the songs, der Bingle, but for the glimpse of what life was like back in post WWII America. The manners, the dress code (men wore ties to baseball games...). When this movie was made, my dad was fresh home from the war, and with my mom, built a typical post war middle class life.

I can't visit that era (my damned time machine still won't work), but my wife and I can sit through this wonderful film and almost get a feeling for post war life. Oh yeah, the movie itself is wonderful...

It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.


these are the feelings that I have about this movie. This movie came out the year I was born. My dad had been a paratrooper in the war. It WAS the greatest generation.


Your comment is beautifully written and I couldn't agree more.


WC is my favorite Christmas movie. I fell in love with it as a kid. I'm 58 and it used to be played every year around the holidays. I'm just so glad Netflix streaming has the movie. I restrain myself from watching it until after Thanksgiving to kinda keep it special....but life is short. I think I'll start watching it anytime I want to!
