MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > this is the 2nd year in a row TCM doesn'...

this is the 2nd year in a row TCM doesn't show this movie

It could be longer than two years but only 2 that I'm aware of. You would think they would show this every year. This movie, Holiday Inn and It's a Wonderful Life are not being shown this year. Boo!!


I was checking that too, since TCM is commercial free. Thanks goodness for Netflix.


that's interesting you mention that because I tried to get onto Netflix today to see what all options there were to watch and it wouldn't let me look until I signed up for the "free trial". Does that sound right to you?


That does sound right. I'm in Canada, but the setup is more or less the same, as I understand it, and It did the same thing to me. I eventually just signed up (if you watch even a couple movies a month, it's worth it). Still, it is annoying how they don't let you see their entire selection before you sign up.


Yes, Netflix is a paid subscription. But worth it IMO.


So you can call it right up if you've got a blue-ray or some other device.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


AMC has it starting tonight 12/13 at 7:00 and 9:30


thank you! got it set to record


I am watching it right now. Hope you get it recorded all right. Merry Christmas!


And adding FORTY-FIVE MINUTES of commercials to a two hour movie!!


I'm not sure about Holiday Inn, but I don't think TMC has the rights to the other two. AMC has been airing White Christmas in December for several years, and NBC has exclusive rights to It's a Wonderful Life, also for several years.

As that great philosopher Bugs Bunny said, "Something tells me I shoulda stood in bed."


I didn't know that about IAWL. Do you know if it has shown yet this December?


I didn't know that about IAWL. Do you know if it has shown yet this December?
It was originally scheduled for last night (12/15/13), but NBC decided to rebroadcast The Sound of Music from a few weeks ago. IAWL was rescheduled for next Friday. In addition, it's still scheduled for its usually second airing on Christmas Eve.

As that great philosopher Bugs Bunny said, "Something tells me I shoulda stood in bed."


excellent - thanks for answering !!


I'm not sure about Holiday Inn, but I don't think TMC has the rights to the other two. AMC has been airing White Christmas in December for several years, and NBC has exclusive rights to It's a Wonderful Life, also for several years.

I know I used to watch this on TCM . I stopped watching AMC after they added a ton of commercial to make every film 3-4 hrs long. As for exclusive I guess that changes. FOX Movie Channel and TCM have a few titles they both show. I've seen 'Laura', 'Bunny Lake is Missing' and 'Black Widow' -to name 3- on both channels.

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


Granted there are commercials, but AMC plays it constantly throughout the season. It's not a bad fallback, and if you DVR it you can rush through the breaks.


DVR'd it with commercials and all on AMC and it looks great! Fast fwd it run errands thru the ads.

