MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Help with the timeline - possible spoile...

Help with the timeline - possible spoiler

By the end of the film Bob and Betty seem to be head over heels in love, and I was wondering how long they had been together. I'm having trouble with the time span the events in the movie covered. Surely the logistics of planning the act, moving the people and equipment, building the sets and rehearsing the numbers took a while.

As far as I can recall, no time references were included in the film (except for Christmas Eve, of course). Here is my best guess... Giving them the longest time that I think is plausible, I think the events took place between the Sunday after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve. I will venture to say that both acts played in Florida for a big Thanksgiving gig, with the last performance on Saturday night. No mention is made of Thanksgiving so I can safely rule out the film beginning before then.

Any thoughts? Anything I missed in the film?


I don't think it was more than two, maybe three weeks tops. They met the girls the night before they headed to Vermont, to be booked "over the holidays" if I recall correctly.

In any case, if it was before Thanksgiving, they surely would have mentioned that holiday. But even at two to three weeks from meeting to falling in love, I don't see this as a plot hole in any way.

It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.


Thanks strntz, that backs up my thinking. To clarify, I don't see this as a plot hole in any way. I think that two people can fall in love in a week or less, especially working as closely as these two did. I was just curious about the timeline.


To clarify, I don't see this as a plot hole in any way.

Rereading my post, it does seem that I was making that point to you. Sorry..
After I gave my thoughts on the timeline, I was preempting a comment someone else might make about an old veteran like Bob falling so hard in such a short time, but it does happen.

It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.
