MovieChat Forums > White Christmas (1954) Discussion > Why was the General...? spoiler

Why was the General...? spoiler

I love this movie, and I try not to be too picky about things that seem unrealistic, but a thought came into my head as we were watching this last night. The General is surprised by the crowd, but there would be just too many indicators of a crowd of this size.

I would say there were literally hundreds of people in the audience. How did they all get there? Those that drove had to park somewhere, and if they took the train the small town taxi could not have handled all of them. Even if they took busses it would take a dozen trips.

Also, the crowd would be noisy, need to use the bathroom, and wander out into the yard or the inn. Plus, they are all drinking, surely the General would have an idea that his bar was being strained to the max.

I know I'm nitpicking but this is the most unrealistic part of the film for me.


I always thought that he was surprise that the audience was his soldiers & not just another audience with strangers.


I always thought that he was surprise that the audience was his soldiers & not just another audience with strangers.

^^^Exactly. ^^^ He was expecting a big crowd of "guinea pigs" for the Wallace and Davis show. He was not expecting his old division.

Now you can go back and enjoy the movie..

It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.
