Audience *Spoiler*

At the conclusion of White Christmas we see General Waverly surprised by men & women seated at tables.I'm assuming that the women were the wives of the men who were soldiers under the general's command.Wonder who the men were?Could have been his former soldiers who no longer had their uniform or could not fit properly in them.So they could not appear on stage with their fellow soldiers for that number saluting the general.


I just assumed they were people who wanted to see a big name show. It had been advertised (handbills shown to the General) prior to Bob making his tv announcement.


That's an excellent point.I focused upon what Wallace & Davis were doing for the General Waverly,as well as Bob & Betty's misunderstanding,that I forgot that Wallace & Davis were huge broadway,nightclub,radio,tv performers/producers.So of course their names would attract a large audience.
