What Bugs Me

I never could figure out why Betty thought it was her job to act like a mother to Judy. They both were grown women but Betty keeps treating Judy like a dumb kid. Also, she made that statement about Judy needed looking after until presumably a man came along and took over. If it hadn't been for Judy writing the letter, they would never had met Bob and Phil. Then she got ticked when Judy and Phil were dancing. She was always angry about something and judgmental. I really like the movie, but I wish they would have softened Betty up a little. To me, she came off as a b**ch and not very likable. Am I misreading her?


This was made in 1954. Husbands and wives had to be shown in separate beds when they went to sleep.


We saw that Judy was a risk-taker, even a fibber and schemer. She exercises bad judgment even though well-meaning, so Betty figured she had to keep an eye on her until she was safely paired up with another keeper. Funny that Judy wound up with someone just as kooky as herself.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.
