MovieChat Forums > To Catch a Thief (1955) Discussion > When Cary Grant slaps women...

When Cary Grant slaps women...

There is something dignified and urbane in the air. Yes yes. Normally I cringe at such sights on celluloid (dare we question them, in such flights of lofty dishonesty, as misognyistic?), but this man deserved to slap all the women in the world, if only for that crisp sound effect the movie studios dubbed in and that molded constancy of his hair gel and that assured and clipped remark afterward which oh so justifies.


Most wonderfully said sir!


Seek therapy. Now.

Before I SLAP you free of this insanity you have.

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


It was pretty funny when he slapped Danielle. She undoubtedly deserved it.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I don't understand why this is always such a big deal.

It's not that I like seeing violence against women. But, look at Ingrid Bergman in Notorious. It's Ingrid Bergman and yet, Hitch had Cary knock her completely unconscious. But, there was a reason. She was driving, drunk and out of control. It was the quickest, easiest way for him to keep them both, safe and alive on the road.


He was so cool about it. Slaps the Girl, and She asked for it, hurling insults at Him, and He shoves a few People, and calmly walks away.


Just actors and actresses doing their roles. In real life you may end with a police record for assault and battery. I personally hated that scene. I, even respecting Mr Grant as a good actor, would have punched him on the nose for hitting a lady [but then I also get angry seeing people hitting kids, elders or handicap people!]. But then, I'll end up with a police record, too.


The woman was becoming irrational . . . which sometimes does happen at funerals . . . she accused him, and he responded (he may have already suspected that she herself was Le Chat) . . . she deserved it . . .


I never got the impression she was irrational. From my memory of the film, I think he KNEW she was Le Chat and she knew he knew. She was very deliberately trying to cause him serious harm. And she was angry that he had continued to resist her charms and fall in with their thievery.

This was her way of getting back at him for the rejection and she was trying to spike his guns in case he was planning to cause trouble over their illegal activities.

I'm cool, you're cool, we're cool, thank you, good night!-My Science Project


Just a scriptwriting to create effect. Anyway, I just watched the movie through courtesy of Netflix and hated it. Overrated and a junk! Read my review if you can. Now excuse me but I am now going to order through Netflix "The Dirty Dozen" with Lee Marvin.


given the circumstances both men and/or women could do with a friendly clack!


The way she was acting, I think it would've been more fitting if he threw her over his knee and spanked her to tears. She's a little girl who needed to be taught a lesson.


Just tonight (and, yes, I know, it's more than six years after the OP) I watched TCAT with my wife and said, I wouldn't slap a woman myself...but it seems they always get unconscious right away if someone does. Not really realistic, is it? It's one thing to acknowledge that slapping is mostly wrong (which it is IMO), and another to depict is as a sort of attempted murder for effect.

Names is for tombstones, baby!


the girl in To Catch a thief doesn't become unconscious when he slaps her. in fact, i can't think of any film where a woman becomes uncosncious because she is slapped. Where have you seen this?
