MovieChat Forums > To Catch a Thief (1955) Discussion > What do you rate To Catch a Thief?

What do you rate To Catch a Thief?

I have been on a Cary Grant binge recently and watched this today on Amazon Prime. I confess I knew next to nothing about this film and was even surprised to see it was a Hitchcock film. The film is gorgeous, Cary Grant is quite good and Grace Kelly one of the most stunning women ever. The film has some nice sequences and clever exchanges but it never rises much beyond that. Even the revelation when the thief is caught near the end doesn't pack much of a punch. Still, it's a pleasant enough film. 67/100


I’ve been watching old movies during COVID just as an escape from all the negative news and angry politics. So far I’ve been on a Paul Newman binge, a James Garner binge, and I’m now on Cary Grant. I like Grant because he’s light and witty and a gentleman in all his roles. The scenery and fashion and cars are just beautiful in this film. Grace Kelly’s is ridiculously pretty but they did use too much makeup on her in her first scenes with Grant. The story is entertaining enough to keep me watching. The way you described it was dead on: nice and pleasant enough.


