Best Scene

This movie has one of the best scenes I have ever seen in a film!

Right after Kyle has just found out that he is a bit "weak" in a certain area (not entirely sterile, just weak), he goes outside of the drugstore in shock and there a boy is riding one of those automated horse rides and Kyle just looks at him with displeasure. That is perhaps one of the best scenes I have ever seen in a movie! So blatant and ridiculous!


I agree, that was hilarious.

But then I got to thinking... this can't mean what I think it means, can it? After much analyzing, I realized the significance was that he saw a child -- after he had just been told he could never have children. (I'm a little slow sometimes.)

But that kid was certainly "riding" the daylights out of that horse!

"Dry your eyes, baby, it's out of character."


If he was impotent that would have been ironic, but sterility has no effect on sexual performance.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Obviously, there were no problems in the performance department.
Kyle did not impress me as being a man having any problems in that area.
And of course, he wasn't impotent; Lauren Bacall's character did become



I realized the significance was that he saw a child -- after he had just been told he could never have children.
That's how I read the scene. In spite of Stack's bad acting.


Luckily, "blatant and ridiculous" is confined to the movies.
Perhaps filmgoers should think abstract when they think Sirk.


Haha, I'm taking Don Levine's Avant Garde class at Umass and he went on about this scene. I didn't think it sounded that funny until I actually saw it and I was on the floor laughing. This movie was so cheesy, and yet extremely entertaining.


The scene where the father falls down the stairs.

Some velvet morning when I'm straight...


The scene where the father falls down the stairs.
by - coup-de-grace on Sat Mar 21 2009 00:13:41

Isn't it funny how everybody always makes it all the way to the bottom in these movies, and there's never a landing to slow them down? People aren't exactly ball-shaped!

We were in a restaraunt in the early nineties, with a TV hanging in the corner. A movie started and some blond goes out on her balcony and jumps to her death, crushing the top of a car, and we hear in rapid succession:
Stranger #1: "That's gotta hurt!"
Voice (from another corner): "How come they always hit a car?"

Everybody just started laughing, and the movie never had a chance after that.


Agree. I loved the Kyle scene and also I liked a lot the ending where (SPOILER ALERT!) Kyle's sister plays with the miniature oil well sitting behind her father's desk.

Two hidden erotic messages? What do you think?


Actually the best scene in the movie follows it.. Dorothy Malone putting on stockings.


Best scene was Dorothy Malone's "Dance of Death." Genius, insane, incredible.


When Marylee first makes Kyle paranoid...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I really noticed that look of contempt on Kyle's face as the boy pleasurably rode that hobby horse machine. That scene says a lot. I also enjoyed Dorothy Malone's devil woman dance to the jazz record in her room.
